Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Garagozova Elnara Elkhan gizi

13-03-2023 [ 12:20 ] [ read:202 ]
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Position: Leading researcher

Phone: 050 466 23 80


Place of birth: Baku

Date of birth: 09.01.1985

Education: Baku Slavic University

Academic degree: PhD in Philology

The subject of the PhD: Poetics of Azerbaijani postmodernist literature. 5715.01 – Literary theory, literary analysis and criticism

Total number of published scientific publications: 50

Number of scientific publications published abroad: 9

Names of scientific works: 

New forms of the archetype in Azerbaijani literature of the beginning of the XXI century. (monograph). Baku, Translator, 2018, 141 pages.

Articles. (collection of articles) Baku, Khan, 2020, 118 p.

Postmodernism. (collection of articles). Baku, Khan, 2021, 77 p.

Life and work of Yunus Oguz. (monograph). Baku, Science and education, 118 pages.

 Yusif Səmədoğlunun həyatı və yaradıcılığı. Bakı, Xan nəşriyyatı, 2024, 132 səh. 


Pedagogical activity: 2010-2011 - teacher-trainee at Baku Slavic University

 Other activities: Member of the Expert Council on Philological Sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2019)

Awards: ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi - "Young scientist of the year 2016"

Honorary diploma of "Yusif Samadoglu" award of Azerbaijan Writers' Union - 2024