Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

Dissertation council. Dissertations

Mythological motivation in Azerbaijan and American prose in 1960-1980s (on the basis of Y.Samedoglu‘‘s "Day of Murder" and J.Updike\‘s "Centaur" novels)

28-04-2021 [ 11:35 ] [ read:187 ]
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Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of doctor of philosophy

Specialty: 571501– Literary theory, literary analysis and criticism

Field of science: Philology

Applicant: Sabina Hajiyeva Mubariz

The dissertation work has been carried out in the Department of Azerbaijan and World Literature in Ganja State University Scientific

Supervisor: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Nizameddin Shamsizade Shamsaddin Official opponents: Doctor of Philological Sciences Aliyev Rahim Nadir Doctor of Philosophy on Philology Associate Professor Atraba Gul Bayram Doctor of Philosophy on Philology Associate Professor Ulviya Rahimova Hasamaddin 

Dissertation Council ED–1.05 of the Supreme Attestation Commission attached to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 

Author's abstract of the PhD in Philology: in English