Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Ahmadov Teymur Akbar oglu

31-03-2017 [ 12:04 ] [ read:195 ]
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Position: Head of the Department of literature of the South Azerbaijan

Phone: office (+994 12) 538013, mobile: (+994 50) 215670, home phone: (+994 12) 5108683, Fax: (+994 50) 4412023 


Place of birth: Shamkir city, Azerbaijan Republic

Date of birth: 25.12.1930

Education: Baku State University

Scientific degree: Doctor of Philology

Title: Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor

Topic of PhD thesis: Nariman Narimanov’s dramaturgy; 10.01.03; Azerbaijan literature of XX century

Topic of doctoral thesis: Nariman Narimanov’s creative activity; 10.01.03; Azerbaijan literature of XX century

Total number of printed scientific publications: 8 books and 1 booklet

A number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases: 17

A number of PhD: 15

A number of Doctor of sciences: 3

Basic scientific achievements: 1.The history of literature of the South Azerbaijan (XIX-XX cc.) in 2 volumes ( in the Azerbaijani)

2. Nariman Narimanov’s scientific biography. ( in Azerbaijani)

3.Scientific-critical text of Nariman Narimanov’s works. ( in Azerbaijani).The investigation of the Azerbaijani Enlightment ( in Azerbaijani)

Names of the scientific works: 1. The life, environs and literary activity of Nariman Narimanov. ( in Azerbaijani)

2. From the history of artistic-literary thought. ( in Azerbaijani)

3. Nariman Narimanov’s dramaturgy. ( in Azerbaijani)

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: 1. The member of the Board of International Euro-Asian Fund of Press.

2. The member of the Council on conferment scientific degrees in Baku State University.

3. The Chaiman of Coordination Centre of the International Euro-Asian Fund of Press.

4. Scientific Secretary on conferment Ph.D and Doctor degrees in the sphere of literature at ANAS Pedagogical activity: The instructor (leader) of diploma works, the Chairman of bachelor and master’s examinations at state exams in Azerbaijan Pedagogical University Other activities: A book for high school according to the program in 3 volumes. Anthology (Poetry, prose, dramaturgy). Compiled by the Chief Editor of the newspaper “Respublika” (“Republic”). 

Awards and prizes:

1. Premium and medal named after Yusif Mammadaliyev.

2. Honoured Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Counsil of Azerbaijan

3. Medal “Progress” 4. Journalist’s premium “Ustad” (“Master”).