Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Abid Hamid oglu Tahirli

13-03-2023 [ 13:56 ] [ read:128 ]
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Place of birth: Republic of Azerbaijan, Gabala region

Date of birth: November 30, 1955

Graduated higher educational institution: Azerbaijan State University named after S.M. Kirov (now BSU)

Main place of work and address: Nizami Ganjavi name. Institute of Literature, AZ1073, Baku city, Huseyin avid avenue, 117

Position: Senior Researcher

Mobile phone: ( 994 51) 9078036


Main scientific achievements:

Azerbaijani emigration (Baku, "Tural-A" publishing house, 2001, 344 pages).
Those who are created by the word, those who keep the word alive (Baku, "Abilov Zeynalov and brothers" publishing house, 2001, 308 p.).
Azerbaijan emigration press, Part I (Baku, "QAPP Poligraf" publishing house, 2002, 158 pages).
The spoken word is a memory (Baku, "Azerbaijan" publishing house, 2003, 78 p.).
Azerbaijan emigration press, part II (Baku, "Ozan" publishing house, 2003, 258 pages).
Journalism of Ilyas Efendiyev (Baku, "Elm" publishing house, 2005, 68 pages).
"Publicism in the Azerbaijani emigrant press (1921-1991) (Baku, "CBS" publishing house, 2005, 528 p.).
In the bosom of storms (Baku, "Ozan" publishing house, 2006, 156 p.).
Azerbaijan emigration press (1921-1991) (information-question book. "Chinar-chap" publishing house, 2007, 181 p.).
In the light of understanding (Baku, "Ozan" publishing house, 2010, 375 pages).
The translator of all Turks (Baku, "Ozan" publishing house, 2011, 240 pages).
The translator of all Turks (reprint and improved edition. Baku, "Ozan" publishing house, 2012, 312 pages).
School: our history, our destiny. 14. İsmail Gaspıralı World, İsmail Gaspıralı Dehası.
Press: the language, power and mirror of the nation. (Baku. "Science and Education", 2017, 696 p.)
The return of the general. (Baku, "Science and Education" publishing house, 2019. 216 p.).
Life and creative way of Jeyhun Hajibeyli. Baku, "Science and Education", 2019, 344 pages.

The books:

C. Hajibeyli. Haji Karim (story, in Russian, Baku, Azernashr, 1995).
You are always with me (memoirs about the people's writer Ilyas Efendiyev, Baku, "Ganclik" publishing house, 1999, together with the poet-publicist Dilsuz).
"Dada Gorgud's rule" collection of articles (Baku, "Sultan-grafiks" publishing house, 1999).
"Grandfather Gorgud" in paintings (illustrated edition, Baku, 1999).

Books hasvpublished under his editorship:

Elchin. Personality and talent (about J. Jabbarli, Baku).
Professor Amir Habibzadeh - 85 (Baku, 2001, BSU publishing house).
"Dade Gorgud" bulletin (Baku, 1999).
Aygun Majidova. Drops from the river (Baku, 2009, "Chashioglu" publishing house, 360 pages).
Nikpur Jabbarli. Elchin and the problems of Azerbaijani emigration studies (Baku, 2014, "Education", 96 p.)
Sayyaf Ismayilov. Years spent with hard work (doctor of philosophy S. Ismayilov talks about his life and activities). Baku, 2017, "Science and Education" publishing house, 280 pages.

Names of scientific works:

A successful step in the study of the epic "Kitabi Deda Gorgud". "Dada Gorgud" collection of articles (Baku, "Sultan-grafiks" publishing house, 1999).
Reflections on the power of the word and the artist. "Mars" literary-artistic, scientific, journalistic magazine, No. 3-4, 2003.
Azerbaijani emigration journalism. "News of Baku University" (Humanities series) No. 1, 2002, p. 218-225.
Courts acquitting Armenian terrorists. "News of Baku University" (Humanities Series) No. 2, 2004.
Research of South Azerbaijan press: problems, tasks. "News of Baku University" (Humanities series) No. 1, 2004.
Valuable research on immigration heritage. News of Pedagogical University. No. 3, 2004.
Religious meetings of Jeyhun Hajibeyli. ANAS. Institute of Philosophy and Political-Legal Studies. "Political science" department. "Socio-political problems" magazine. 12th issue, 2004.
Ideological struggle against Russian slavery and Bolshevism in the emigrant press. "Azerbaijan History Museum" collection. Baku, 2004.
Türkegul's publicism. "Gobustan" collection. Baku, No. 4, 2004.
The idea of Caucasian unity in "Prometheus" magazine and "Caucasian Almanac". "Language and Literature" international scientific-theoretical magazine. No. 1 (43). Baku, 2005.
Azerbaijan emigration press and other publications. Collection of literature. Works of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS. Volume 18. Baku, 2004.
Azerbaijan emigration press and other publications. "Science and life" magazine. No. 6, 2004.
The topic of "Azer" magazine. Scientific and pedagogical news of "Odlar Yurdu" University. No. 12, 2004.
Philanthropy, enlightenment and school problem in publicism of C. Hajibeyli. "Azerbaijan School" magazine. No. 1, 2005.
"Azerbaijan" magazine (Munich). Studies. No. 4, 2004. Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of ANAS. Science, Baku.
C. Hajibeyli as a folklore-researcher "Dade Gorgud" scientific-literary collection, No. 4, 2004. Folklore Institute of ANAS.
The newspaper "Ana dili" fights for the idea of Azerbaijaniness.

ANAS News. Humanities Series No. 3-4, 2004.
"Unite Caucasus". Baku State University News. Humanities Series No. 4, 2004.
Reflections on the power of the word and the artist. Elchin- Zaman Saddiniashmish Artist (collection of articles), Baku, "Tahsil" publishing house, 2004, 372 pages.
Spirituality and education issues in C. Hajibeyli publicism. "Primary school and preschool education". No. 1, 2005.
"Azeri-Turkish". ADPU Scientific News. No. 3, 2004.
A.V. Publicism of the patriot. Institute of Oriental Studies. Scientific studies No. 3-4, 2004.
"Azerbaijan Homeland Information". ANAS Institute of Linguistics. Turkology. #1-2, 2005
Thirst for freedom "Revival XXI century", No. 84-85. State-building and International Relations Institute of ANAS.
Tribune of immigrant intellectuals. "Revival XXI century", No. 88-89. State Building and International Relations Institute of ANAS.
"Istiqlal" newspaper's ideological struggle against Bolshevism and the Russian Empire. Scientific Reports of ANAS, No. 1-cLXI 2005.
Once again about the history of the emigration press. News of BSU. Humanities Series, No. 4, 2007.
Thought-provoking and proud "firsts". Minira Dilbazi. Musical life of Baku (second half of the 19th century - beginning of the 20th century)
The eternal and literary echo of a journey. "Star", 2008, No. 3.
The eternal and literary echo of a journey. "State and Religion", 2009, No. 2 (10).
"Asef Zeynalli" (about Nazim Kazimov's monograph of the same name). "Gobustan" art collection, No. 2, 2010.
"Mola Nasreddin" in exile. "Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature" magazine. A body of the Ministry of Education. No. 4, 2009.
"Caspian" wave and Jeyhun Hajibeyli. Newspaper of three centuries. Baku, "Qanun" publishing house, 2011, 528 pages.)
"Caspian" wave: religious and moral values and Jeyhun Hajibeyli. "State and religion" collection, No. 1, January-February 2012.
Muqtadir is a press officer. "Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature" magazine. A body of the Ministry of Education. No. 1, 2012.
"Azerbaijan Yurd Bilgi" magazine about Ismail Gaspiral (March 8 - on the occasion of Ismail Gaspiral's birthday. News of Baku University. Humanities series. No. 3, 2012.
"Tarjuman" newspaper: a new stage in the history of press and public opinion of the Turkic world. "Higher education and society" magazine of the Ministry of Education, No. 2, 2012.
Mysterious, magical lines. You have the right to live (a collection of articles on the work of M. Araz). Baku, "Ol" LLC, 2013, 571 pages.
The language, magic and mystery of colors. "Gobustan" art collection No. 3, 2014.
Abay Dağlı's play "Students", ANAS News, Humanities No., 2014.
It is a matter of life and death. ANAS Institute of Linguistics. Turkology. No. 2, 2015.
Ismail Gaspirali and the language problem. Culture magazine, No. 4, 2015.
Literary-critical meetings of Ismail Gaspiral. "Yildiz" collection No. 3 (231), May-June, 2016. Socio-political, literary and cultural collection of the State Committee on international relations and affairs of exiled citizens of the Republic of Crimea.
Folklore motifs in the legacy of Jeyhun Hajibeyli. ANAS Institute of Folklore. Materials of the scientific session on the 125th anniversary of Jeyhun Hajibeyli. Baku, 2016, "Science and Education" publishing house, 68 pages.
"The artistic and journalistic embodiment of dreams and truths. (Ceyhun Hajibeylin's memoir "A year in dreams.. and a whole life"). Materials of the 2nd International scientific conference on "Emigration literature of Azerbaijan: realities, problems, tasks" Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Baku, 2016. October 10, 11.
A lover of folklore. Ceyhun Hajibeyli's researches in the field of folklore. Portrait - essay. "Ulduz" magazine, November 2016.
Artistic creativity of Jeyhun Hajibeyli. ANAS News. Humanities #2, 2016.
"Tarjuman" - a new stage in the history of the press and public opinion of the Turkic world. "Kaspi" - the square of enlightenment. Baku, "Zardabi LTD" LLC, 2016, 650 pages. pp. 190-197.
"Istiqlal" newspaper about Ismayil Gaspirali. "Caspian" - square of enlightenment. Baku, "Zardabi LTD" LLC, 2016, 650 pages. pp. 198-204.
"Issue that took life and will give life" - common language problem. "Caspian" - square of enlightenment. Baku, "Zardabi LTD" LLC, 2016, 650 pages. p. 205-215.
A blow to ignorance - a new school. "Caspian" - square of enlightenment. Baku, "Zardabi LTD" LLC, 2016, 650 pages. p. 216.
Travel essays. "Caspian" - square of enlightenment. Baku, "Zardabi LTD" LLC, 2016, 650 pages. pp. 217-219.
Characteristic features of Jeyhun Hajibeyli's publicism. . "Caspian" - square of enlightenment. Baku, "Zardabi LTD" LLC, 2016, 650 pages. pp. 285-297. 2017
In the question of literary forces with a new voice and a new signature. "Ulduz" magazine, No. 1, 2017;, January 21, 2017.
Why did Yusif Vazir appeal to Ahmet Bey Agaoglu of Chamenzamin. The body of the Cooperation Center of Azerbaijanis and other Turkic peoples. Birlik magazine No. 1 (27), 2017, p. 36-37.
The literary embodiment of the eternal torch (about Sona Valiyeva's book "The Road to Light"). "Endless Word" collection of articles, Baku, "Zardabi LTD" LLC, 2017, 596 pages. pp. 477-484.
Artistic and journalistic embodiment of dreams and truths. Jeyhun Hajibeyli. A year in dreams... and a whole life. Baku, "Tahsil", 2017, 256 pages; p. 5-42.
Two writers of "Fyuuzat".

Original research on i. "Turkology" magazine of the Presidium of ANAS, No. 3, 2017, p. 94-98.
A review of two authors of "Fyuuzat". "Guneyde Kültür" magazine (Turkey, Hatay). January-June 2017 Hatay, pp. 31-36
The exposure of Bolshevism and fascism in Abay Dağlı's novel "They were Turks". ANAS, News, Humanities No. 2, 2017, 127-131.
Artistic accusation of repression in Abay Dağlı's novel "They were Turks". Works of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS. Collection of literature, volume XXXI, 2017, p. 92-99.
On the study of Abay Dağlı plays. Nakhchivan State University. Scientific works. Humanities series, No. 5(86), 2017, p. 110-115; Slavic University. Scientific Works Language and Literature series, No. 1, p. 211-215.
"Love of motherland - "Motherland" society". "Ulduz" magazine, No. 1, 2018.
A rare gem from a great publicist. (with Mehdi Ganjali) "" magazine No. 318, p. 71-73, March-April 2018.
Ideological-artistic characteristics of Abay Dağlı's play "Albay" BSU, Scientific works, No. 2018, pp. 29-36.
The image of Fuzuli in Azerbaijani emigration drama. ANAS "News" No. 1, 2018, p. 46-51.
Abay Dağlı's play "Captive Souls": exposure of totalitarianism, confirmation of democracy. API News, No. 2, 2018, p. 128-132.
Abay Dağlı's play "Fuzuli" is an excellent product of national feeling. Nakhchivan branch of ANAS. "News", No. 1, 2018, p. 153-160.
"Abay Dağlı's play "Atatürk-on the fronts and in Çankaya". Manuscripts Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, materials of the III international scientific conference on "Azerbaijani manuscripts in world libraries". Baku, 2018, pp. 96-99.
The inexhaustible words of the heart and pen, the struggle of art (a look at the July 2018 issue of "Ulduz" magazine), "Ulduz" magazine, No. 8, 2018, p. 3-8.
Life and creativity of Jeyhun Hajibeyli. A collection of articles dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan People's Republic. Compiled by doctor of philological sciences, prof. Vagif Sultanli. Baku, 2018.
"Love of motherland - "Motherland" society". "Ulduz" magazine, No. 1, 2018.
Abay Dağlı's life and creativity. "Ulduz" magazine, No. 10, p. 36-40, 2018.
A true word is not bitter to the true (some notes on the first issue of "Ulduz" in 2019), p. 3-7
Nasimi in the Azerbaijani emigration press. "Ulduz" magazine, No. 4, p. 21-25.
About the Immigrants March Massacre. March 31 tragic page of our history (a collection of articles). Baku, "Science and Education", 504 pages, pp. 85-93.
Life and creativity of Jeyhun Hajibeyli. Proceedings of the III Humanities Forum "Big desert", p. 260-279, Kazakhstan, Astana, 2018, 670 pages.
Scientific News of Lankaran State University #1. On the study of Abay Dağlı plays, p. 181-186, 2018.
Cyprus is the eye of the Turk. "Ulduz" magazine, No. 7, July. 2020, p. 54-58.
When the language of pain burns the word. Preface to the book, pp. 3-14; Shohlat Afshar. "Dardname" (poems and poems), Baku, "Nurlar" Publishing House - Printing Center, 2020, 160 pages,
General Steel, steel general., 16.07.2020.
Glorious page of our national history (on the occasion of September 15). "525th newspaper". 15.09.20
When the language of pain burns the word. Preface to the book, pp. 3-14; Shohlat Afshar. "Dardname" (poems and poems), Baku, "Nurlar" Publishing House - Printing Center, 2020, 160 pages;, 21.10.2020; "525th newspaper" 29.10.20.

Pedagogical activity: Baku State University b/m, Lankaran State University - professor, Azerbaijani emigrant literature, Azerbaijani emigrant press

Other activities: Member of the Union of Journalists of Azerbaijan (Union) (1980), Member of Azerbaijan Writers' Union (Union) (1995), Member of the editorial board of "Scientific works" of Lankaran State University.

Awards and prizes:

1. Hasan Bey Zardabi Award

2. Jalil Mammadguluzadeh award

3. "Golden word" award

4. "Nizami Ganjavi" badge

5. "For distinction in public service" medal