Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Nikpur Jabbarli Mirhuseyn oglu

12-06-2019 [ 08:34 ] [ read:175 ]
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Head of the Department of Emigration literature of Azerbaijan, Doctor in Philology, associate professor, laureate of the State award of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Nikpur Jabbarli Mirhuseyn oglu was born on April 16, 1968 in Baku. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Baku State University (1994) and full-time post-graduate studies of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (1997). In 1998, he defended his candidacy (Doctor of Philosophy) on the topic "The problem of classical heritage in Azerbaijani emigration literary studies", and in 2017, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "20th century Azerbaijani emigration literature (based on Turkish-language examples)". Doctor of Philology (2017), associate professor (2006). The author of 7 books and dozens of articles on Azerbaijani emigration literature, N. Jabbarli is known as an expert in this field. He has been working at the Institute for 25 years. During this period, he rose from post-graduate studies to the positions of scientific secretary and head of department. N. Jabbarlı is recognized as one of the disciplined, serious, sincere and honest employees who actively participates in the scientific and social life of the Institute, and has a reputation in the team. Between 1998 and 2004, he worked as a researcher, senior researcher, and leading researcher at the Institute. From May 1996 to September 2003, he was the chairman of the Union of Young Scientists of the Institute. From September 20, 2004 to July 16, 2013, he worked effectively as the scientific secretary of the Institute, in establishing the scientific-organizational work based on academic principles, in raising the organization of scientific research to the level of modern requirements, in strict compliance with the normative and legal acts related to this work. showed principle in doing it.

N. Jabbarli has been a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute since May 1996. From July 2007 to December 2009, he worked as a scientific secretary of the Problem Council on Literary Studies. He was a member of the General Editorial Board of the multi-volume "History of Azerbaijan Literature" (2007-2013), the responsible secretary of the first volume of that publication, which was published in 2004, the responsible secretary of the sixth volume under preparation (2003-2006), and the deputy responsible editor (2007-2013). . Currently, he is one of the responsible editors of the VII volume of that publication.

N. Jabbarli "The Literary Heritage of Ahmad Jafaroglu" (2001), "Emigration and Classical Literary Heritage" (2003), "Emigration Era Creativity of Abay Dagli" (2009), "Azerbaijani Emigration Prose" (2011), "Emigration and 20th Century Azerbaijan" Author of the monographs "Literature Issues" (2015), "Azerbaijani emigration poetry (reviews and portraits)" (2014), "Elchin and the problems of Azerbaijani emigration studies (research and compilation)", about 50 articles published in prestigious local and foreign scientific publications. , co-author of the monograph "Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani literature" (2009), compiler, reviewer and scientific editor of several books. He has given reports at a number of international and national scientific conferences and symposia.

In the organization of the II International scientific conference on "Emigration literature of Azerbaijan: realities, problems, tasks" held on October 10-11, 2016, phil.E.D., Assoc. N. Jabbarli had an important role.

N. Jabbarli also works efficiently and productively as the deputy editor-in-chief of the "Library of Azerbaijani emigration literature" series.

The complex scientific research project "Emigration literature of Azerbaijan: organization, stages of development and problems" won within the framework of the main grant competition of the Fund for the Development of Science under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, announced in 2015, was successfully implemented under the leadership of N. Jabbarli (April 2017-April 2019). ).

Academician Bekir Nabiyev, phil.E.D., prof. Elchin Efendiyev, academician Teymur Karimli, correspondent member of ANAS Tehran Mustafayev, phil.E.D., prof. Shamil Valiyev, Ph.D., Assoc. Shahbaz Musayev, Ph.D., Assoc. Aslan Salmansoy, Ph.D. Abid Tahirli and others. prominent scientists have published positive reviews.

N. Jabbarli was awarded with the Order of Honor of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences for his effective scientific and scientific-organizational activity by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS No. 24/1 dated December 12, 2005. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Nizami Institute of Literature, he was awarded the Honorary Decree of the ANAS for the second time for his outstanding scientific and social activities by the decision No. 25/13 of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences on December 25, 2013.

In 2010, N. Jabbarli was awarded the State Prize for Literature of the Republic of Azerbaijan as one of the authors of the collective monograph "Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani literature".

Since July 16, 2013, N. Jabbarli, who has been effectively working as the head of the newly established department of Azerbaijani emigration literature at the Institute, was elected to that position on June 18, 2015 through a competition, and was appointed to that position on July 16, 2015 by the ANAS Humanities Department Bureau. He was approved for this position by decision No. 4.

In general, during the years of his work at the Institute, N. Jabbarli showed professionalism in scientific and scientific-organizational work, competently coped with the tasks assigned to him, was objective and principled, and demonstrated an active citizen's position and state thinking.

List of published scientific works: 


Literary heritage of Ahmet Jafaroglu. Baku: Elm, 2001, 4.25 sq.m.
Migration and classical literary heritage. Baku: Elm, 2003, 10.75 sq.m.
Abay Dağlı's emigration period creativity. Baku: Elm, 2009, 4.5 sq.m.
Azerbaijani emigration prose. Baku: Science and education, 2011, 8.75 sq.m.
Azerbaijani emigrant poetry (reviews and portraits). Baku: Science and Education, 2014, 7.5 sq.m.
Issues of emigration and 20th century Azerbaijani literature. Baku: Science and Education, 2015, 3.5 c.v.

Books complited:

Elchin and the problems of Azerbaijani emigration studies. Baku: Education, 2014,6 h.v.
Great writer and thinker Ali Bey Huseynzade. Baku: Elm, 2015, 30.25 sq.m. (jointly with Sh. Valiyev)
"Azerbaijan emigration literature library" series. Volume I. Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh. Baku: Elm, 2016, 22.25 h.v. (jointly with Sh. Valiyev)

Edited books:

Bekir Nabiyev. Wandering poet. Baku: XXI YNE, 2005, 7.5 c.v.
Bekir Nabiyev. Don't hit Khazan. Baku: Elm, 2006, 28.25 sq.m.
Bekir Nabiyev. Studies about Heydar Aliyev. Baku: Chinar-Chap, 2007, 4.25 sq.m.
Bekir Nabiyev. Everyone has their own way. Baku: Chinar-Chap, 2007, 31.25 c.v.
Bekir Nabiyev. Selected works. In five volumes. Volume I. Baku: Chinar-Chap, 2009, 31 pp.
Bekir Nabiyev. Selected works. In five volumes. Volume IV. Baku: Chinar-Chap, 2009, 35 pp.
"Azerbaijan emigration literature library" series. Volume II. Jeyhun Hajibeyli. Selected works. Baku: Elm, 2017, 23 pp.


The historical concept of Azerbaijani literature in emigration literary studies.// Materials of the scientific conference of Azerbaijan EA graduate students (May, 1996). Baku: Elm, 1996, p. 112-113.
Sabir in emigration literary studies.// "Literary newspaper", May 30, 1997, 0.4 ch.v.
Emigration literary studies about Khatai poetry. // Abstracts of the international conference "Shah Ismayil Khatai and his era" (Baku, September 24-26, 1997). Baku: Khazar University publishing house, 1997, p. 27-29.
About M.A. Rasulzadeh Khagani.// Theses of the republican conference dedicated to the 870th anniversary of the birth of Khagani Shirvani. Baku: Khazar University publishing house, 1997, p. 30-31.
Fuzuli in Azerbaijani emigration literary studies.// M. Fuzuli - materials of 500 international scientific symposium (Baku, November 7-8, 1996). Baku: Sabah, 1997, p. 127-133.
Issues of 18th century Azerbaijani literature in emigration literary studies.// "Philological studies", book VII (Searches of literary youth). Baku, 1998, p. 18-22.
Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh in literary studies of Azerbaijani emigration.// News of Azerbaijan EA. Literature, language and art series, 1998, #1-2, p. 15-22.
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in the literary-scientific opinion of emigration.// Materials of the all-republic scientific conference of young scientists dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Republic of Azerbaijan held jointly by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan EA. Baku: Elm, 1999, p. 61-62.
Folklore heritage of Ahmet Jafaroglu.// Studies on oral folk literature of Azerbaijan. Book VIII. Baku: Sada, 1999, p. 167-172.
Ahmad Jafaroglu's work "Independence Struggle in Azeri Literature". // Collection of Literature (Works of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami). Volume XVII. Baku: Ağrıdag, 1999, p. 266-273.
Ahmad Jafaroglu's view of the history of Azerbaijani literature.// News of Azerbaijan EA. Literature, language and art series, 2000, #3-4, p. 11-24.
Mirza Bala Mahammadzade and classical literary heritage.// News of Azerbaijan MEA. Literature, language and art series, 2001, #1-2, p. 103-109.
On the study of Azerbaijani emigration literary studies.// Literary-theoretical thought at the junction of two centuries (materials of the republican conference (Baku, June 20-21, 2001). Baku: Elm, 2001, p. 204-216.
Almas Ildırım's emigration period creativity.// News of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities and social sciences series, 2002, No. 1-2, p. 166-175.
Jafar Jabbarli in emigration literary studies.// "Azerbaijan" magazine, 2002, No. 9, p. 178-179.
The problem of national and moral values in Azerbaijani emigration literature (based on the play "Okullular" by Abay Daghli). // Reports of Azerbaijan MEA, 2002, No. 5-6, p. 328-333.
Azerbaijaniness in emigration poetry. // News of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities and social sciences series, 2003, No. 1-4, p. 184-192.
Anatolian War of Independence in Azerbaijani emigration dramaturgy (based on Abay Dağlı's plays). // News of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities Series, 2004, No. 1, p. 24-32.

The problem of artist and time in Azerbaijani emigration dramaturgy. // Collection of Literature (Works of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami). Volume XVIII. Baku: Elm, 2004, p. 286-293
The exposure of the totalitarian Soviet regime in the emigration literature of Azerbaijan (based on the works of Abay Daghli).// News of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities series, 2004, No. 3-4, p. 66-73.
Karim Yajcili. // News of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities series, 2005, No. 3, p. 3-13.
Mohammadhuseyn Shahriyar in literary criticism of emigration. // Reports of Azerbaijan MEA, 2005, No. 4, p. 201-204.
Literary studies of emigration and the literary process in Azerbaijan in 1920-1930. // 20th century Azerbaijani literature issues (thematic collection) - Book I, Baku: Elm, 2006, p. 49-63.
Suleyman Tekinar and issues of Soviet-era Azerbaijani literature. // News of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities series, 2007, No. 1, p. 22-29.
The work exposing Stalinism ("Memories of revolution with Stalin" by M.A. Rasulzade). // News of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities series, 2007, No. 4, p. 10-16.
About the poetry of Mustafa Teymur Atashli. // Collection of Literature (works of the Nizami Institute of Literature), Volume XX, Baku: Ozan, 2007, p. 35-47.
27. On the life and creativity of Muhammadsadiq Ara. // Scientific works of Nakhchivan State University (humanities and pedagogy series). Nakhchivan, 2008, p. 80-84.
Genocide of Azerbaijanis in the artistic and journalistic heritage of immigrant writers. // Literary collection (works of the Nizami Institute of Literature), volume XXI, Baku: Elm, 2008, p. 21-29.
Heydar Aliyev and the literary process.// Chapter of the collective monograph. "Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani literature" monograph. Baku: East-West, 2009, p. 204-226.
30. Analysis of the national independence movement in Azerbaijani emigration prose. // Literary collection (works of the Nizami Institute of Literature), volume XXII, Baku: Elm, 2009, p. 32-41.
Ahmet Agaoglu's "Memories of the Free Sect".// Reports of Azerbaijan MEA, 2009, No. 5, p. 169-175.
The problem of civil society in Azerbaijani emigration prose (based on A. Agaoglu's work "In the Land of Free People"). // News of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities Series, 2010, No. 2. etc. 3-10.
Emigrant poet Alazan Baycan. // Journal of Turkish Language and Literature Research, Issue/Number: 18, Ocak, Haziran, 2010, p. 263-272.
Azerbaijani emigration literature: scientific-theoretical status and chronological boundaries. // "Modern state of humanitarian sciences and theoretical-methodological issues of literary studies". Baku: Elm, 2010. p. 243-270.
On the "camp theme" in the prose of Azerbaijani emigration. // Scientific works of Nakhchivan State University (humanities series). Nakhchivan, 2011, No. 2 (42), p. 73-76.
"Book of Dede Korkut" in Literary-Scientific Thought of the Azerbaijani Migrant. // İzmir Ege University. Turkish Language and Literature Research Journal, Issue/Number: 21, July-April, 2011. p. 41-46.
The events of Northern Cyprus in the Azerbaijani immigrant literature. // Atatürk University. Turkish Research Institute Journal. Erzurum, 2011, No. 45. pp. 83-88.
Musayib (Musa Eyüp) Zeyem and his poems. // Turkish World Reviews Magazine. Izmir, (Spring 2014), XIV/I, p. 75-88.
Research status of Azerbaijani emigrant poetry. // News of Baku University (Humanities series), 2014, No. 2, p. 12-20.
The problems of Elchin and Azerbaijani immigrant literature research. // "New Turkish Literature" magazine, Istanbul, October 2014. #10, 113-121.
The Common Character of Azerbaijan Emigration Literature. // AENSI Journals, Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(11) June 2015, p. 228-237.
Prospects for the study of Azerbaijani emigration literature. // Proceedings of the II International scientific conference "Emigration literature of Azerbaijan: realities, problems, tasks", Baku: Science and education, 2016 p. 11-23.

Artistic creativity and literary activities of Muhammad Amin Rasulzadeh during his emigration. // "Azerbaijan emigration literature library" series. Volume I. M.A. Rasulzadeh. Baku: Elm, 2016, p.10-58.
On the problem of the research of Azerbaijani emigration prose.// "News" of Azerbaijan MEA (humanities series). 2018, No. 1, p. 28-33
45. Literary studies of Azerbaijani emigration and contemporary literary and scientific thought.// "Azerbaijani literary studies", 2019, No. 1, p. 178-183.
The reflection of the national independence ideology in the artistic creation of Mirza Bala Mahammadzade". Ankara, 2018 (submitted to print)
I know Yavuz Akpınar. // A bridge between Turkey and the Turkic world: Yavuz Akpınar gift. Ankara: Bengü, 2018. p. 104-106
An intelligent example of service to Turks. // Azerbaijan MEA. "Philology and art studies", 2019, No. 1, p. 217-219.

Scientific works has published:


Tehran Alishanoglu (Mustafayev). Literary heritage of the great Turkologist (about the monograph "Ahmed Jafaroglu's literary heritage" (Baku: Elm, 2001)).// "Literary newspaper", June 15, 2001.

Manzar Ibrahimova. From Ahmet Jafaroglu's literary heritage (about the monograph "Ahmed Jafaroglu's literary heritage" (Baku: Elm, 2001)). //"Turkology" magazine, 2004, No. 1-4, p. 81-83.
Teymur Karimli. The guardian of strange spirits. // Preface to the monograph "Emigration and classical literary heritage" (Baku: Elm, 2003). etc. 3-8.
Tehran Alishanoglu (Mustafayev). Study of emigration literature ("Emigration and classical literary heritage" monograph (Baku: Elm, 2003)).// "Azerbaijan" newspaper, July 7, 2004.
Nizamuddin Shamsizadeh. Immigration and the problem of classical heritage. (About the monograph "Emigration and classical literary heritage" (Baku: Elm, 2003)).// "Literary newspaper", July 16, 2004.
Saadat Shikhiyeva. Nikpur Jabbarli. Emigration and classical literary heritage (about the monograph of the same name).// "News" of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities series, 2004, No. 3-4, p. 210-212.
Shamil Valiyev. A new study of immigration literature. (About the monograph "Emigration period creativity of Abay Daghli" (Baku: Elm, 2009)).// "Azerbaijan" newspaper, February 23, 2010.
Razim Mammadli. A branch of our emigration literature. (About the monograph "Emigration period creativity of Abay Dagli" (Baku: Elm, 2009)).// "Literary newspaper", June 18, 2010.
Aslan Salmansoy. A valuable work about another one of our immigrant artists. (About Abay Dağlı's monograph "Emigration Period Creativity" (Baku: Elm, 2009)). // "Azerbaijan" magazine, Baku, 2010, No. 6, p. 183-186.
Teymur Karimli. Compact research (about the monograph of Abay Dağlı's emigration period creativity (Baku: Elm, 2009)). //"Literary Collection" (Works of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami). Baku: Elm, 2009, volume XXII, p. 143-145.
Shahbaz Shamioglu (Musayev). Abay Daghli's magnificent return... (About Nikpur Jabbarli's monograph ("Abay Daghli's emigration period creativity" (Baku: Elm, 2009)).// "News" of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities series. 2010, No. 2, p. 88-92.
Tehran Alishanoglu (Mustafayev). In Fragile Wings of Immigration Studies. (About the monograph "Emigration period creativity of Abay Daghli" (Baku: Elm, 2009).// "" magazine, Baku, 2010, No. 7, p. 367-369.
Arif Amrahoglu (Mammadov). The fruit of responsibility (about the monograph "Azerbaijani emigration prose" (Baku: Elm va tahsil, 2011)).//"Literature newspaper", December 9, 2011.
The merits of Nikpur Jabbarli's monograph "Emigration and classical literary heritage" (Baku: Elm, 2003) are discussed on pages 175-177 of "Literary conversation with Elchin (Yashar's interview with the popular writer Elchin)" (Baku: Tahsil, 2012).
Alkhan Bayramoglu (Mammadov). A valuable scholarly contribution to emigration studies. (About the monograph "Azerbaijani Muhajirat Nasri" (Baku: Science and Education, 2011)). //"Respublika" newspaper, February 17, 2012.
Alizade Askerli. Azerbaijan emigration prose (about the monograph "Azerbaijan emigration prose" (Baku: Science and Education, 2011)).// Scientific Works of Baku Girls' University. 2012, No. 2 (14), p. 14-20.
Shahbaz Shamioglu (Musayev). A significant contribution to our immigration studies. (About the book "Azerbaijani emigration poetry (reviews and portraits)" (Baku: Elm va tahsil, 2014).// "News" of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities series. 2015, No. 1, p. 232-234
Tehran Alishanoglu (Mustafayev). Through the eyes of immigrant literary critics. About the monograph ("Emigration and issues of 20th century Azerbaijani literature") (Baku: Elm va tahsil, 2015). //"Literary newspaper", December 12, 2015; "Collection of Literature (Works of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami)". // Volume XVIII. Baku: Science and Education, 2016, pp. 452-456.
Abid Tahirli. Valuable scientific work about emigration heritage and 20th century Azerbaijani literature. About the monograph ("Emigration and issues of 20th century Azerbaijani literature") (Baku: Elm va tahsil, 2015). // "525th newspaper", October 1, 2015.
Elchin Efendiyev. A remarkable success of our emigration studies. (About N.Jabbarli's doctoral dissertation).// "News" of Azerbaijan MEA. Humanities series. 2018, No. 1, pp. 261-264.
Tehran Alishanoglu (Mustafayev). Fifty-year anniversary.// "Azerbaijani Literary Studies (Works of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi)" 2019, No. 1, pp. 204-205.