Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Bayramov Gurban Farman oglu

10-03-2023 [ 14:14 ] [ read:348 ]
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Place of birth: Republic of Azerbaijan, Aghdam district, Alimadadli village

Date of birth: May 30, 1946

Education: graduated from the Faculty of Philology of ADPU after N.Tusi (1963-1967)

Title: Docent

Topic of PhD thesis: "The problem of the lyrical hero in the poetry of Samad Vurgun" (in 1979)

 Total number of printed scientific works: 16 books, more than 500 scientific and critical articles

- A number of scientific works printed abroad: 

Əsas elmi nailiyyətləri:  Sovet və Müstəqillik dövrü Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı problemlərinin elmi-nəzəri tədqiqi - ədəbi istiqamətlər, mövzu aktuallığı, sənətkarlıq məsələləri, ədəbi portretlər, ədəbi icmallar  və s.

 Scientific works:  Monographs

Accent poetry, B., Elm, 1976, 78 p.

Accent poetry. (Revised version), Baku, "Adiloglu", 2021, 96 pages.

Lyrical hero and time (The problem of the lyrical hero in the poetry of Samad Vurgun.), B., Elm, 1986, 140 p.

Samad Vurgun – Lyrical hero and time. (Revised version), Baku, "Adiloglu", 2021, 196 pages.

Historicity and modernity - the book "Socialist realism in the modern stage" (collective), B., Elm, 1988, 388 pages.

Yashar Garayev: National memory training - Azerbaijaniness, (jointly with Jala Gurbangizi) B., publishing house of BSU, 2001, 138 pages.

The secret of poetry: Rivers do not flow back, they yearn for the sea, or the poet's portrait of Shahmammad, who pressed his heart on a piece of paper (mini-modern monograph), B., "MBM", 2009, 104 p.

The creative path of Ali Ildirimoglu: the artistic chronicle of national and moral values or the evolution of the autobiographical novel genre in modern Azerbaijani literature (monumental monograph), B., "Nurlan", 2009, 560 pages.

The work of the people's writer Ilyas Efendiyev in literary criticism (together with Jala Gurbangizi), Baku, "Yazichi", 2014, 272 pages.

People's poet Nariman Hasanzade (together with academician Isa Habibbayli). — "Independence period Azerbaijani literature" in 2 volumes, I c., (collective), Baku, "Science and education", 2016, p. 529-560. — 800 p.

The poet who appears in his poems is Musa Yaqub. — "Independence period Azerbaijani literature" in 2 volumes, I c., (collective), Baku, "Science and education", 2016, p. 623-638. — 800 p.

Lines from Hidayat's poem portrait. — "Independence period Azerbaijani literature" in 2 volumes, II c., (collective), Baku, "Science and Education", 2016, pp. 29-48. — 1088 p.

Contemporary poetry — literary trends, topic relevance, craft issues. — "Independence period Azerbaijani literature" in 2 volumes, II c., (collective), Baku, "Science and Education", 2016, pp. 548-563. — 1088 p.

The poet who wrote the melody of infinity - Ahmet Qashamoglu. — "Independence period Azerbaijani literature" in 2 volumes, II c., (collective), Baku, "Science and Education", 2016, pp. 714-724. — 1088 p.

Yashar Garayev: Azerbaijan independence — recent and distant history... (together with Jala Gurbangizi), — collective, Baku, "Sabah" ed., 2016, pp. 162-186. — 404 p.

"Stylist trends in modern Azerbaijani poetry" (12 m.v), manuscript.

"Historicity and modernity in Azerbaijani literature" (8 m.v.), manuscript.

"M. A. Sabir traditions and Azerbaijani literature" (partner, 14 m.v.), manuscript.

  "Samad Vurgun yesterday, today and tomorrow" (18 m.v), handwritten.

"Poetic style of M. H. Shahriyar" (6 m.v.), manuscript.

"Literary environment of Karabakh - from the distant past to the present day" (10 m.v.), manuscript.

   "Wounded Children of the Wounded Country" art-publicist book (25 m.v), handwritten.

Examples of selected articles:

Spokesman of the people, poet - Nacmeddin Murvetov. (4 articles), "Credo" newspaper, 17.02.2020 - 11.02. 2020).
The poem of Anwar Ahmad... "Adalat" Gaz., 2022.- February 19.- P.5.
Poet-writer Yusif Hasanbey, who has his own creative climate. "Adalat" Gaz., 2017.- November 17; November 18; November 21 issues - P.3-7. ; "525th newspaper", 2018.- January 30.- P.6; 2018.- January 31.- P.6; "Azerbaijan" magazine, 2017.- No. 12.- P.131-136.
Homeland fire poet - Adil Jamil. Essay view from one perspective. "Literary newspaper", 2017.- November 4.- P.23.
Molla Panah Foundation and literary environment of Karabakh. (4 articles). "Adalat" Gaz., 2017.- December 21, .- P.7; December 22, p. 7; 23 December, p. 4r; December 26, p.7.
The tireless researcher of our culture and literature (on the 70th anniversary of the valuable scientist, poet and publicist Gulhuseyn Kazimli), "525th newspaper", 2020.- February 1.- P.20.
Conqueror of the caravan route... Bayram Bayramov-90. "Literary Newspaper", 2008. - January 16. - P.2, 3.
Always with us Mohammad Jafar-100. "Credo" gaz., 2009. - October 3-10. - P. 17.
Genre problem in the researches of Mammad Jafar Jafarov (participatory), in the book "Academician Mammad Jafar Jafarov Literary Theorist", (Scientific editor and author of the foreword academician Isa Habibbayli), Baku, "Science and Education", 2019, pp. 260-287. - 306 pages.
Living lines Ahmed Jamil-80. "Communist" Gaz., 1993.- November 19.- P.5.
Love for the language is service to the people. "Literary Newspaper", 2012.- March 2.- P.5.
"Armenian issue" on the literary and artistic level, "/Credo" Gaz.,.-2014.- May 3.- P.2-4. And "Adalat" Gaz., 2014.- May 6.- P.5.

Problems of modern poetry. "Literary Newspaper", 2015.- July 24.- P.8-9.
A life lived with love for the history of the Azerbaijani Turkish language. - "Issues of Philology" ANAS, Institute of Manuscripts named after M. Fuzuli. 2012.- No. 6.- P.10-16.
Possibilities and impossibility of modern poetry...: (based on the poem of 2010), "/Credo" Gaz., 2011.- May 7.- P. 6.; 2011.- May 14.- P. 3.; 2011.- May 21.- P. 3.; 2011. - May 28. - p. 3.
"Poetry is my professional weapon!": /Khalil Rza Ulutürk-80/, "Literary Newspaper" -2012.- October 12.- P.6.
In the eyes and words of the literary environment: Works, considerations... "Literary Newspaper".-2012.- November 23.- P.6.
Western Azerbaijan - Scientific and theoretical understanding of Iravan literary environment..., "Respublika" newspaper, 2014.- June 11.- P. 7.
Nazim Hikmat, Walnut tree and Hidayat's essay... , "Literary newspaper", -2017.-September 16.- P.23-24.
Karabakh-Shusha literary and cultural environment - from the distant past to the present day [Text] /Q. Bayramov/. //Azerbaijani language and literature teaching: Scientific-methodical journal.-2021.№2.- P.121-135.
Epochal novel-dialogue - an artistic chronicle of the bitter-sweet years of life or an artistic-authentic novel in the genre of memory-memoir... "Edabiyyat kazeti", -2022.- July 16.- P.22-23.
A portrait of Samad Vurgu's "garabala"...Islam Safarli - 100., "Credo" gaz.,.-2023.- February 15 .- P.4.; 2023. – February 22. - pp. 8, 16. and more than 500 articles.

Books edited, reviewed, prefaced:

Thoughts about life [Text] /N. C. Mikayilzadeh. [editor and foreword author Gurban Bayramov] Baku: Indigo, 2008, 382 pages.

Enigmatic love [novellas, humoresques. Abbasov, son of Maharram Javad. /Ed. A. Yasinzade; Reviewer G. Bayramov. Baku: Bilik, 1992.- 116 p.

One beautiful 200 ghazals [Text] : [Gazals] Aga, Kazim - Aghayev Kazim Seyid Movsum oglu. Ed., author of the foreword, tert.ed.: Gurban Bayramov. Baku: East-West, 1997, 216 p.

Scientific and artistic creativity of Islam Aghayev [Text]: [collected] /comp. ed. F. Islamoglu; ed. G. Bayramov; preface. Y. Garayev., Baku: [Garabagh], 2009.- 323 p.

Fate: a novel / Ali Ildırımoğlu; [ed. M. Avaz girl; foreword: G. Bayramov]. Baku: Aspoligraf, 2011.- 247 p.

Delayed meeting [Text]: poems /I. E. Garibli; ed. and the author of the preface. G. Bayramov. Baku: Science and Education, 2012. – 151 p.

Where is a heart [Text]: [poems] / Nurana Nihan; ed., foreword author. G. Bayramov. Baku: [Baku Printing House], 2015. – 151 p.

Faced with longing [Text]: poems, poetic letters, essays / A. R. Khalafli; ed. and preface muel. G. Bayramov. Baku: [Vatan], 2015.- 224 p.

In the light of a bullet [Text]: story by Khachinchayl, Qalandar. (Ahmadov Qalandar Islam oglu) poet-publicist; ed. G. Bayramov. Baku: [Zangezurda Printing House], 2018, 99 p.

The sky I forgot [Text]: poems /Nazim Ahmadli; [ed. R. Ahmadli; foreword by G. Bayramov]. Baku: Qanun Nash, 2019. – 143 pages.

Roads to Karabakh [Text]: [Poems] /Q. Khachinchayl (Ahmadov Qalandar Islam oglu) poet-publicist, Editor, compiler and author of the foreword. I. Goychaylı, G. Bayramov. Baku: Sabah, 2000. - 184 pages.

The peculiarity and beauty of artistic language [Text]: Researches and thoughts related to literary and artistic style / Rafiga Teymur gizi; Scientific editor: M. Mammadov, G. Bayramov; Reviewers: I. Mammadov, F. Khalikov. Baku: Ozan, 2000. - 182 p.

Shahriyar and our time [Text] /M. Mahammadi Mahammadi, Masiaga Ahmed oglu. orientalist-scientist, translator; ed. and the author of the preface. G. Bayramov. Baku: [ADMIU publishing house], 2015. – 78 p.

This is Elchin Iskanderzade!.. [Text]: portrait-monography /V. A. Yusifli; author of the preface. B. Khalilov; ed. G. Bayramov. Baku: Vector, 2015. – 248 pages.

  "His stone story" (poems and poems) / M. Nagigizi (Nagigizi, Mahira. (Huseynova); ed. G. Bayramov. Baku: [ADPU], 2020, - 411 p.

Gullu's poems [Text]: materials for school preparatory groups /Z. Master; ed. G. Bayramov. [Baku]: Mujru, [2020]. - 39 p.

Newness wrapped in antiquity: poems: fathers said from three /Z. Master; ed. A. Khalilova-Murshudgizi; foreword by G. Bayramov; Baku: Mujrü, 2020. – 52 p.

Poetic notes of the commentary: (literary notes, journalistic thoughts) / A. R. Khalafli; ed. G. Bayramov. Baku: Vatan, 2022. – 531 p.

Selected works [Text] / Zaur Ustac ( Mustafayev Zaur Mustafa oglu) poet; ed. Gülü-Gülüze Mustafayeva; foreword by G. Bayramov; Baku: "" publications, 2022.-412 p.

Kalamdar-2 [Text] : (articles) /Z. Master; ed. Hajikhanim Aida; preface. G. Bayramov. Baku: [USTAC.AZ], 2022.- 170 p.

Doctors say depression... [Text] : poems /N. Raphael's daughter; ed. Z. Master; preface by G. Bayramov. [Baku]: Mujru, 2022.- 242 p.

"The song of a nightingale" (poem) Ali Reza Khalafli; ed. and the author of the foreword - Gurban Bayramov. Baku, "Youth", 2023, 130 pages. And so on...

Membership in scientific and literary institutions of the republic, international and foreign countries:

Member of Azerbaijan Writers Union (1984);
Member of the Council of Elders of the Republic of Karabakh (2001);
Member of the Supreme Council of the Movement of Intellectuals of Azerbaijan (2003);
Official reviewer in "Youth" publishing house (1972-1988);
Author-host of scientific-mass, educational television programs "Literary Studies and Time" and "Literature" on Azerbaijan State Television (1982-1992);
Member of the Scientific Council and Defense Council of the Institute of Literature (1972-1984):
Member of the Board of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union (1991);
A one-year individual scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for members of the AYB (2011);
Member of the editorial board of "Kredo" newspaper (since 2005)

Other activities: Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute since May 1996;

- Between 1969 and 2023, part-time graduate student, chief laboratory assistant, junior researcher, senior researcher, leading researcher at the Institute;

- Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute in 1972-1982;

- Secretary of the Institute Komsomol organization, chairman of the Institute trade union organization (1972 - 1984)

Honors and awards:

Honorary decrees of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (2016), the Board of Directors of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union (2011), the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2016, 2019), "Known Vurgunscientist" (2011), "Dedicated Scientist" (2011), "Science devotee" (2012), "Samad Vurgun Award" (2011), "Gold Medal" of "European Publishing House" (2011), "Order of Honor" of the Free Trade Union of ANAS (2016), International status "Vintsas" Award diploma (2020) and "Ziyadar" Award diploma (2021).

Main work place and address: Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature, Huseyn Javid Avenue, 115, Baku city, AZ1073

Position: Leading researcher, docent.

Contact: mobile phone. (+994 50) 3473862; home phone (+994 12) 5626896