Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The presentation ceremony of Abdulla Shaig‘s book "Turkish Garland" was held

23-04-2024 [ 16:16 ] [ read:146 ]
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AMEA Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutunda Abdulla Şaiqin “Türk çələngi” kitabının təqdimat mərasimi keçirilib.

The event was opened by the deputy director of the Institute of Literature for scientific affairs, Ph.D. in philology, associate professor Mehman Hasanli. He said that "today we have gathered in the name of Abdulla Shaig, who has exceptional services in the social life of Azerbaijan. This is the presentation of the reprint of the textbook "Turkish Garland" compiled by Abdulla Shaig during the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Abdulla Shaig played a great role in the development of the Azerbaijani educational movement. The place and role of Abdulla Shaig in the history of Azerbaijani literature and in the development of Azerbaijani pedagogical thought is undeniable. The services of educators are great both in the establishment of our Republic at the beginning of the 20th century and in the re-independence of Azerbaijan. One of these services is the book we gathered for presentation".

Then, Director of Abdulla Shaig's Apartment-Museum, Doctor of Philosophy in art studies, associate professor Ulker Talibzade gave an introductory speech. In his speech, Ulkar Talibzadeh emphasized Abdulla Shaig's services to our literature and culture, and spoke about the importance of the work done in the museum of which he is the head.

At the event, Arzu Hajiyeva, PhD in Philology and associate professor, gave a detailed report on the topic "The place of the Turkish wreath in the heritage of Abdulla Shaik".

Among the scientists of the Institute of Literature, doctors of philology, professors Islam Garibli, Asif Rustamli, Tahira Mammad, doctor of philology, associate professor Aygün Bagirli, doctors of philology, associate professors Lutviya Asgarzade and Eshgane Babayeva spoke about the importance of the topic and its contribution to the All-Turk movement.