Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


An international scientific conference is being held on the topic "Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends"

17-12-2024 [ 11:10 ] [ read:291 ]
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On December 16, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences held the international scientific conference on “Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends”.

The conference, which was organized by ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature and held at the Central Scientific Library, was attended by members of the Presidium of ANAS, well-known scientists, literary, cultural and scientific figures from Turkey, Pakistan, China, India, South Korea, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and other countries, and representatives of the media.

Before the conference, the participants of the event viewed an exhibition of publications on the literature of Asian peoples published by ANAS.

President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that today's conference is of historical importance as the first international scientific conference held in Baku on the literature of Asian countries, which has been neglected for a long time.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that for this purpose, a separate department studying Asian literature was created at ANAS, and the China Center, Pakistan Literature Center, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Center, Alisher Navoi Literary Studies Center, as well as the Mehtimgulu Faraqi Turkmen Literature Center have started operating at the Institute of Literature. He noted that although all of these cover Asian countries, the Academy also continues to study Western literature, and scientists are also interested in studying African literature.

The head of ANAS recalled that today, within the framework of the 950th anniversary of the famous work “Divan-u lüğat-it-türk” by Mahmud Kashgari, one of the most valuable books of the Turkic world, the presentation of the book, published in three volumes in Azerbaijani by ANAS, was held at the UNESCO headquarters. According to him, the presentation of the work “Divanu lüğat-it-türk” at UNESCO means raising Asian literature to the top of UNESCO. This is also of great importance as the presentation of the ANAS publication from the top of UNESCO.

At the end of his speech,  ANAS President noted the importance of the conference in terms of introducing Azerbaijani literature, culture, and our country to the peoples of Asia in more depth, getting to know researchers in the mentioned fields closely, and forming joint projects in the future, and wished success to the work of the international event. Academician Isa Habibbeyli emphasized that today's international conference, which will play a role as a platform for the establishment of new contacts and friendships, the formation of new partnerships, and the deepening of scientific relations, also has the potential to create a Eurasian synthesis.

Later, Professor Ahmad Nuri Yurdusev, President of the Association of Asian Academies of Sciences and Societies, Professor Najeeba Arif, President of the Pakistan Academy of Literature, Professor Lu Yusong, Acting Director of the Institute of Literary Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Nguyen Van Chien, Associate Professor of Hanoi University, Vietnam, Professor Manzura Jurayeva, Head of the Department of Literary Studies of Fergana State University, Uzbekistan, Janakul Sametova, Associate Professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Kazakhstan, Associate Professor Noushad, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Jamia Millia Islamia Central University, India, Iwasaki Takamasa, Attaché of the Embassy of Japan in our country, and Konul Alizade, Honorary Consul of Mongolia in Azerbaijan delivered speeches and stated that the conference would contribute to the expansion of scientific relations between Asian countries.

At the event, Bang Min-Ho, Professor of the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Seoul National University, South Korea, delivered reports on “East Asian Discourse and the New Future of Korean Literature”, Professor Lu Yusong, Acting Director of the Institute of Literary Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, delivered reports on “The People-Centered Nature of Chinese Literature; Evolution and Mission”, and Professor Badirkhan Ahmadli, Head of the Department of Azerbaijani-Asian Literary Relations at the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS, delivered reports on “East-West Discourse in Asian Literature: In the Context of Korean, Japanese and Afghan Novels”.

The conference continued its work with the sections "Literature of the Turkic Peoples", "Comparative Literary Studies", "Literature of the Peoples of East Asia", "Literature of the Peoples of South Asia".

The international event will end till December 18.