Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS organized an event on the theme "Fuzuli‘s World of Art and the Academy‘s Fuzuliname"

02-12-2024 [ 11:15 ] [ read:116 ]
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The final event of ANAS dedicated to the 530th anniversary of the birth of the great Azerbaijani poet and thinker Mahammad Fuzuli was held.

The event, held on the theme of “Fuzuli’s artistic world and the Academy’s Fuzulinama”, took place in the Concert Hall of the Opera Studio under the Baku Music Academy.

The event was attended by deputies, members of the Presidium of ANAS, full and corresponding members of the Academy, employees of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, representatives of various organizations, public representatives and media representatives.

First, the participants got acquainted with the exhibition of manuscripts of the Mahammad Fuzuli Institute of Manuscripts on the Fuzuli heritage and books of ANAS employees dedicated to the poet’s life and creativity.

Opening the event the President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, said that in the light of the Decree of President Ilham Aliyev “On the Celebration of the 530th Anniversary of the Great Azerbaijani Poet Muhammad Fuzuli” dated January 25, 2024, a series of scientific and cultural events were held at the Academy, as in other institutions of our country, extensive research was conducted on the life and work of the great poet, and numerous books were published.

Stating that the homeland of the outstanding thinker Muhammad Fuzuli was Azerbaijan, Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that research conducted by Azerbaijani scientists shows that Fuzuli was from the Karabakh region, of the Bayat tribe. He grew up and formed in the Baghdad, Iraq, Kirkuk-Turkmen environment, and created ingenious works reflecting all the power and peculiarities of the medieval Azerbaijani language. Fuzuli is a prominent classic of Azerbaijani literature, one of the greatest poets of Turkic-language literature, and at the same time a master artist who occupies a distinct place among the creators of world literature.

According to Academician Isa Habibbeyli, “Because poetry without knowledge becomes a wall without foundation, and a wall without foundation becomes unreliable again,” Fuzuli sincerely acknowledged and confirmed the power of science in the creation of great literature and great art. The unity of scientific understanding and artistic talent created Fuzuli’s art.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the Fuzuli Studies Sector of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS has published 10 monographic works in the last five years. He also noted that at the 10th Baku International Book Fair held this year, the “Fuzuli Library” series published by the institute was selected as the “Best Book” of the exhibition by the Ministry of Culture.

At the end of his speech, the President of ANAS noted that the research conducted on Fuzuli serves to introduce his native people, the Turkic world and the poet to the world, proving the eternity of the brilliant thinker.

At the end, there was a viewing of the opera "Leyli and Majnun" performed by the collective of the Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.

It should be noted that the first opera of the Muslim East, "Leyli and Majnun", written by the great Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyli, was performed on January 12, 1908.

The opera "Leyli and Majnun", based on the poem by the medieval Azerbaijani poet Mahammad Fuzuli, was directed by Huseyn Arablinski and conducted by Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev.