Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A special issue of "Ulduz" journal is dedicated to the 530th anniversary of Muhammad Fuzuli

05-12-2024 [ 11:59 ] [ read:182 ]
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The special November-December issue of “Ulduz” journal dedicated to the 530th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Mahammad Fuzuli has been published.

The journal is opened by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the celebration of the 530th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Mahammad Fuzuli.

The following page contains the text of the speech delivered by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev at the solemn evening dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Mahammad Fuzuli. The special issue includes articles titled “Heydar Aliyev’s Love for Fuzuli”, “Molla Mahammad Baghdadi “Fuzuli” pseudonym” by Firidun bey Kocharli, “Fuzuli” by Mirza Jalil, “My Thoughts on Fuzuli” by Abdulla Shaig, “Fuzuli and its Place” by Bekir Chobanzadeh, “Jafar Jabbarli’s “About Fuzuli”, Ekrem Jafar’s “My Heart in Front of Fuzuli’s Anniversary”, and Masud Alioglu’s “Fuzuli and Our Modern Literary Studies”. In this issue, you can read articles titled “Excerpt from Fuzuli” by Aliaga Vahid, “His Disappointment” by Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh, and “The Poet of the Heart”. Ali Karim's "Fuzuli", Zalimkhan Yagub's "Meeting - Separation", Mammad Jafar's "Loves Fuzuli", Rasul Rza's "Near Contributions of Faraway Countries", Samet Alizadeh's "The Magic of Fuzuli's Word", Yashar Garayev's "The Peak of the Turkish-Islamic Renaissance Fuzuli", Nihad Sami Banarli's "Fuzuli's Prayer" talk about the great poet's creativity.

The editor of the special issue of the "Ulduz" magazine, which is a joint project of the Department of Literary Theory of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS and the "Tehsil" publishing house is Doctor of Philology Parvana Bekirgizi.