Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Feedback from participants of the first international scientific conference on Asian literature held in Baku

18-12-2024 [ 11:35 ] [ read:54 ]
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Professor Ahmed Nuri Yurdusev, President of the Association of Asian Academies and Societies of Sciences (AASSA):

The first international scientific conference on the literature of Asian countries, organized in Baku for the first time, on the topic of "Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends", will be remembered as a very important event. These words were said by Professor Ahmed Nuri Yurdusev, President of the Association of Asian Academy of Sciences and Societies (AASSA), who participated in the international scientific conference on the topic of "Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends" held at ANAS. According to him, this conference is an important platform for establishing new collaborations and exchanging experience.

Professor Ömer Solak of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey:

The first international conference held in Baku on the topic “Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends” is important in terms of further accelerating the cultural and literary integration of Asian peoples, discussing the scientific research carried out in the field of literature in recent years, as well as ways to solve the problems facing the literatures of Asian peoples, and exchanging experiences. I think that since Çanakkale is the border city of Asia in the West, it would be appropriate to organize the next event on the literature of Asian peoples at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey. These thoughts were expressed by Ömer Solak, professor of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey, who participated in the international scientific conference on the topic “Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends”.

Nguyen Van Chien, professor at Hanoi University in Vietnam:

The international scientific conference on "Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends" held in Baku will play an exceptional role in the dynamic development of literary relations between Vietnam and Azerbaijan. This was stated by Professor Nguyen Van Chien of Hanoi University of Vietnam, who is visiting Azerbaijan to participate in the mentioned international event. The guest, who highly appreciated the international conference dedicated to the literature of Asian peoples in terms of discussing topical issues, emphasized that this magnificent event is of great importance for all participants. He said that he delivered a report on the topic "Comparative approach to the literature and lifestyle of the Vietnamese and Italian peoples" at the event. Noting that this is his first visit to Azerbaijan, Nguyen Van Chien said that the harmony of ancient traditions with modernity in Baku left him with pleasant impressions.


President of the Pakistan Academy of Literature, Professor Najeeba Arif:

Azerbaijan is a very beautiful country. The beauty of your capital, the hospitality of the people, sincerity and kindness made me love this city very much. I am glad that I had the opportunity to see this beauty. These words were said by Professor Najeeba Arif, President of the Pakistan Academy of Literature, who visited our country to participate in the international scientific conference on the topic "Literature of the Peoples of Asia: Traditions and Modern Trends". Expressing her satisfaction with being in Baku, Professor Najeeba Arif noted that Azerbaijan is a place where many civilizations and cultures meet. She said that the international conference dedicated to the literature of the peoples of Asia will contribute to strengthening scientific and literary cooperation between the countries. Professor Najeeba Arif also spoke about the mutually beneficial relations between the organization she leads and ANAS, and brought to attention that the epic "Kitabi-Dade Gorgud" was published in Urdu in Pakistan with the "Foreword" and the idea of ​​​​the President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli.



Senior Researcher of the Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the National Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor Gulnaz Sattarova:

The international scientific conference held in Baku on the topic “Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends” organized by the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS is of great importance in terms of in-depth study of the literature of Asian peoples. This event not only allows us to imagine the general picture of Asian literature, but also creates conditions for the emergence of new perspectives. In this regard, discussing the traditional aspects and new trends of the literature of Asian peoples, its individual national branches, and listening to different opinions will make new contributions to the study of an important branch of world literature.


Professor Lu Yusong, Acting Director of the Institute of Literary Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences:

The international scientific conference on “Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends” held in Baku with the participation of various Asian countries will contribute to the deepening of cooperation and will become an important component of interaction between states. This opinion was expressed by Professor Lu Yusong, Acting Director of the Institute of Literary Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who is on a visit to Baku to participate in the international scientific conference on “Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends”.


Associate Professor Noushad, Department of Foreign Languages, Jamia Millia Islamia Central University, India:

The international scientific conference on the theme “Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends” is very important in terms of determining the prospects of future cooperation and bringing together scholars and specialists conducting research on literature in different countries of Asia. This was stated by Associate Professor Noushad, Department of Foreign Languages, Jamia Millia Islamia Central University, India, who participated in the international scientific conference on the theme “Literature of Asian Peoples: Traditions and Modern Trends”. The Indian guest, who said that he was visiting our country for the first time, said that he was impressed by the beauty and cleanliness of Baku.

Janakul Sametova, a member of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Kazakhstan:

Within the framework of the project “Poetry of the Awakening of the Turkic Peoples” of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Kazakhstan, research is being conducted in the direction of studying the literature of the Turkic peoples and Asia. The international scientific conference held in Baku on the topic “Literature of the Peoples of Asia: Traditions and Modern Trends” will further accelerate our large-scale research in this direction. Within the framework of the project, we are also considering studying the literature of the revival period of Azerbaijan. These words were said by Janakul Sametova, a member of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Kazakhstan, who participated in the international scientific conference held at ANAS on the topic “Literature of the Peoples of Asia: Traditions and Modern Trends”. She said that the international event attracts scientists to scientific cooperation and opens up opportunities for further expansion of relations. Noting that this is her first visit to Baku, Janakul Sametova also shared her impressions of Azerbaijan and emphasized that our country has an ancient and rich culture.