Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The first satirical magazine in Azerbaijan was founded 118 years ago

08-04-2024 [ 11:36 ] [ read:77 ]
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"Molla Nasreddin" Azerbaijan's first satirical magazine was founded 118 years ago. The magazine's inaugural issue was released on April 7, 1906 in Tbilisi by the "Geyrat" printing company.

Azerbaijan's sociopolitical landscape was undergoing complicated events during the start of the 20th century. There was a need for a press outlet that would explain the present concerns to the general public in a more accessible, understandable manner, even if these events were covered by serious media sources as "Sharqi-rus", "Hayat" and "Irshad".

Following up on the first issue of the newspaper, literary, social, and political topics were expanded upon in a way that suited the demands of the day. Publications of the journal took place in Baku in 1922–1931, Tabriz in 1921 and Tbilisi in 1906–1918. For twenty-five years, number 748 has been available.

Through its "dictionaries," "riddles," "dialogues," "feuillets," and sarcastic poetry, the journal pushed progressive principles. The publication placed a strong emphasis on concepts such as independent statehood, public education, national moral self-awareness processes and democratic society growth. Simple vernacular is used in a creative and thought-provoking way to represent socio-political issues through humorous techniques.

In the development of Mollanasraddin critical-realist literature, well-known artists of the era such as Omar Faig Nemanzadeh, Mirza Alakbar Sabir, Abdurrahim Bey Hagverdiyev, Ali Nazmi, Aligulu Gamkusar, Mammad Said Ordubadi, Mirzali Mojuz Shabustari, Azim Azimzadeh, Oskar Shmerling, and others made significant contributions.
The magazine's release sparked a new trend in Azerbaijani journalism: the "Molla Nasreddin" school of thought and literary school was established, laying the groundwork for sarcastic journalism and caricature art.