Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS held a seminar on "Electronic movement and new challenges"

29-03-2024 [ 12:14 ] [ read:66 ]
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A seminar on "Electronic movement and new challenges at ANAS" was organized as part of TUBITAK-ANAS cooperation. The meeting was attended by the head of the Institute of Literature's Scientific Information and Translation Department, Zakira Aliyeva, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor Shafa Aliyeva, Ph.D. in Philology, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Experts, Parvana Karimova, senior specialist, and practicing students.

Associate professor Mehman Hasanli, deputy director of the Institute of Literature and a Ph.D. in philology, inaugurated the session. Mehman Hasanli discussed the work of the ANAS Presidium's Electronic Academy department in organizing electronic work at the Academy's institutes, as well as future prospects. In recent years, there has been substantial advancement in this subject. Academician Isa Habibbeyli, president of ANAS, stressed the significance of the work done in this area.

Then, the director of the Electronic Academy department, PhD in mathematics, associate professor Fariz Imranov, delivered a detailed address on electronic movement and emerging issues. Fariz Imranov discussed the electronic condition of the Academy's journals, their participation in worldwide scientific databases, and the advancement of projects connected to Google Academic and other scientific platforms.

Elnur Eltürk (Huseynov), an employee of the Electronic Academy department, highlighted the academy's Wikipedia-related activities. He took special note of the Institute of Literature's efforts in this subject. He also expressed his views on the formation of new Wikipedia groups at the academy and their role in teaching.