Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Hajiyeva Vafa Davud gizi

12-04-2017 [ 14:49 ] [ read:284 ]
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Position: Leading scientific worker

Mobile phone: (+ 994) 50 538 44 57, home: ( +994) 12 538 48 37


Place of birth: Azerbaijan, Aghdash district

Date of birth: 24. 03.1959

Education: Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Russian Language and Literature after M.F.Akhundov

Scientific degree: Doctor of Philology

Topic of PhD thesis: "Onomastic space of the poem "Iskander Name" by Nizami Ganjavi"; 10.01.06; the literature of Asian and African countires

Total number of printed scientific works: 60 scientific articles, 2 monographies, Report in the international conference: - «The classification of the poetical-style function of the proper names» (about the namestudy linguistic analysis of the poem "Iskendernameh" by Nizami Ganjavi) - The International Conference, (18-25 December 2004 ) - The Islamic Republic of Iran - Tehran (Iranian Studies).

Names of the scientific works: 1.The monograph - "Onomastic space of the poem "Iskander Name" by Nizami Ganjavi" - Baku; Elm, 2004.

2.The monograph - "Typology of poetic and stylistic functions in the works of Nizami Ganjavi", Baku: Elm, 2010.