Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences held the general assembly

30-11-2023 [ 13:23 ] [ read:26 ]
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Renewal processes in ANAS: from structural reforms to the reorganization of scientific research, electronic movement and representation in international scientific institutions

As a result of the state policy implemented by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan has gained great prestige in the region and the world, and entered a qualitatively new stage of its socio-economic development. Currently, the core of the state ideology, which serves the realization of the new socio-economic development model, is the establishment of a knowledge society based on the intellectual development model, the development of intellectual property that supports innovation.

This was stated by Academician Isa Habibbeyli, president of ANAS, in his report titled "Renovation processes in ANAS: from structural reforms to reorganization of scientific research, electronic movement, and representation in international scientific institutions".

Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that the development of science is currently regarded as one of the main strategic goals in the state's development programs and official documents covering the period up to 2030, and that during the stipulated period, the expansion of research in various fields of science, the early education of modern-minded and creative young people is planned to involve them in scientific research, and the creation of a mechanism for competitive and target research is planned.

According to official policy, Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that fresh reforms in ANAS will begin by the end of 2022. , archeology, ethnography, language, folklore, literature, tangible and intangible cultural monuments, ancient manuscripts, culture, art, national-architectural schools, history, modern challenges, theoretical-methodological and social-anthropological views, including Azerbaijani principles, said he is focused on the investigation. He also emphasized that he is writing the history of Azerbaijani literature based on the new periodization concept, researching the scientific-theoretical foundations of Azerbaijani ideology and the concept of multiculturalism, studying various problems of modern world philosophy and legal science, and conducting research in sociology, political science, psychology, including oriental studies and Caucasian studies. carrying out economic studies

Qeyd olunan elmi istiqamətlərə uyğun olaraq bir sıra digər elmi-təşkilati tədbirlərin də həyata keçirildiyini deyən akademik İsa Həbibbəyli vurğulayıb ki, beynəlxalq elmi əlaqələrin yeni ideoloji əsaslar üzərində qurulması, xüsusən türkdilli ölkələr və onların elmi qurumları ilə əlaqələrin gücləndirilməsi, Akademiyanın nüfuzlu beynəlxalq qurumlara üzvlüyünün təmin edilməsi, elmi istiqamətlərlə elmi müəssisələrin strukturu arasında optimal struktur modellerinin müəyyənləşdirilməsi, paralelliklərin aradan qaldırılması qeyd olunan təşkilati tədbirlər sırasına daxildir.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that one of the most important events related to the development of science and education is President Ilham Aliyev's Decree "On some measures related to the improvement of management in the field of science and education in the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated July 28, 2022, and that in order to resolve the issues arising from the implementation of the mentioned document, ANAS He stated that the ANAS Presidium and General Assembly had made pertinent decisions and put thorough procedures in place.

He also noted that the Academy has become a mouthpiece and a flagship in the events of the 100th anniversary of the outstanding statesman Heydar Aliyev, multi-faceted measures have been taken in the direction of researching the legacy of Heydar Aliyev, holding numerous events, and publishing various publications within the framework of the specific Action Plan of ANAS. In this direction, he said that a special meeting of the General Assembly of ANAS was held on the topic "Heydar Aliyev: leader, time and modernity", and the preparation of a very fundamental publication, "Heydar Aliyev Encyclopedia", was started.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that one of the most important events related to the development of science and education is President Ilham Aliyev's Decree "On some measures related to the improvement of management in the field of science and education in the Republic of Azerbaijan" dated July 28, 2022, and that in order to resolve the issues arising from the implementation of the mentioned document, ANAS He stated that the ANAS Presidium and General Assembly had made pertinent decisions and put thorough procedures in place.

He stated that the "Electronic Academy" department was formed for the first time in the Academies of Sciences system owing to internal capabilities in the Presidium of ANAS structure by a resolution of the Presidium of ANAS dated January 18, 2023. During the previous period, the "Electronic Academy" department enriched the Azerbaijani language section of the "Wikipedia" virtual encyclopedia and assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to ANAS's periodical scientific journals in order to ensure their inclusion in prestigious international elmmetric electronic database registers. He stated that significant efforts have been made to adapt their websites to such standards, as well as to organize frequent monitoring of the activity of their websites and social network accounts.

Academician Isa Habibbayli noted that one of the key directions of the changes accomplished is the rehabilitation of international relations to current standards. As a result of the events, ANAS became an official member of the Association of Asian Academies and Societies of Sciences (AASSA), the Eurasian University Union (EURAS), and the International Scientific Council, and ANAS's "Elm" Publishing House became a member of the European Association of Scientific Editors. Furthermore, he stated that, in accordance with state policy, scientific collaboration contacts with the Republic of Turkey have reached an unparalleled level, while relations with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan have been developed. He recently said that the documents signed

He also emphasized that ANAS conducts purposeful activities related to the involvement of young people in science and the stimulation of their activities, such as the establishment of the "Young Scientist of the Year" award and the publication of the "Young Researcher" magazine four times a year (one in English).

Academician Isa Habibbeyli's approval of the new ANAS Charter by the country's head has been an honorable development path for nearly 80 years and has made significant contributions to the country's socioeconomic and cultural-spiritual development in the modern era, in the determination of our country's geopolitical and economic architecture in the world and in the region. He stated that it is critical in terms of entering a new stage of development at a time when it has become the most significant aspect.

At the end of his speech, the head of ANAS stated that Azerbaijani scientists are closely united around the country's head, wholeheartedly support the domestic and foreign policies implemented by our state under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, and will continue their activities with all their strength for the further development of Azerbaijan, which has become a voice in the international arena today. They will suffice.

Taking all of this into account, the ANAS General Assembly deemed the numerous changes made in ANAS over the previous year to be adequate and assigned necessary duties.