Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Academician Bekir Nabiyev has conducted valuable research on the important problems of Azerbaijani literature

15-03-2023 [ 13:39 ] [ read:66 ]
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Bekir Nabiyev, literary scholar, Honored scientist, Academician, who wrote valuable works on classical and modern literature, made great contributions to Azerbaijani literature with his rich creativity. He conducted valuable research on important problems of Azerbaijani literature.

Bekir Nabiyev was born on August 21, 1930 in Uchgovag village, Agdash region in an intellectual family. He studied at Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University) from such great masters as Mammad Arif, Ali Sultanli, Mir Jalal, Jafar Khandan, Mammad Jafar, Hamid Arasli, Abbas Zamanov, Feyzulla Gasimzadeh. When he graduated from the Faculty of Philology with an honors diploma, the young philologist, who already had more than five years of teaching experience, had a significant impact on his formation as an outstanding literary critic. In 1960, Bekir Nabiyev, who was admitted to the postgraduate course of the university, defended his candidate's thesis on "Life and creativity of Firudin Bey Kocherli". He started his literary activity with the review "Dama-dama göl olar" published in the issue of "Adabiyyat Gazete" dated November 4, 1951. Bekir Nabiyev, who rose from a literary worker to a department head in the prestigious "Azerbaijan Youth", "Communist" and other newspapers of that time, was accepted as a member of the Union of Writers and Journalists. researcher-literary critic, editor, translator, etc.

The scholar's deep love for our literature and those who created it, inexhaustible energy and shoreless ocean-like dreams that gave impetus to it created fertile conditions for the creation of volumes of books and countless scientific articles.

A scholar who has devoted more than 50 books, more than 900 articles and reviews to the literary process, classical literary heritage, literary criticism, literary relations, and the study of craft issues in poetry, as a prominent literary critic not only in Azerbaijan, the former Soviet Union, but also in Turkey, Iran, and Iraq. recognized. He was a scientific advisor for many doctoral theses, a scientific supervisor for candidate theses. In general, the scholar's services in training highly qualified personnel in the field of literary studies are great.

Academician Bekir Nabiyev has always been in the center of attention of the literary process and literary-theoretical thought since the middle of the 20th century, and he has been engaged in the study of artistic heritage with great faith in the eternity of literature. Bekir Nabiyev was able to enter our history of literary and theoretical ideas as a scientist with his well-written monograph about Firudin Bey Kocherli, our first professional critic, published in 1963.

Bekir Nabiyev, who completed the first stage of his scientific-social activity with productivity, intensive and multifaceted research, which can be proud of any outstanding scientist, started the second stage from the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The young researcher, who was accepted as a junior researcher at the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature, soon rose to the position of department head. After successfully defending his doctoral dissertation in 1970, Bekir Nabiyev was assigned a more responsible position - director of the Museum of Literature. Bekir Nabiyev, who has worked in this position for more than 15 years, played a major role in enriching the museum, rebuilding it based on the requirements of the time, and introducing it to the international world, as well as continuing scientific and research activities at a high pace. In the second stage of the creative path, the scientist published more than 10 books and 300 articles on various issues of Azerbaijani literature and culture. The peak of this fruitful creativity was the fundamental work "The Great Patriotic War and Azerbaijani Literature", which he defended as a doctoral dissertation.

"Prominent critic and literary critic" (1963), "Pen turned into a bayonet" (1970), "Literary thoughts" (1971), "Criticism and literary process" (1976), "The Great Patriotic War and Azerbaijani literature" (1977) of the late academician. , "Kamal's celebration" (1981), "When the word comes from the heart" (1984), "The novel and the modern hero" (1987), "Let's start from ourselves" (1990), "The wandering poet" (1995), "Difficult roads" (2000 ), "Poet of Independence" (2001), "Khazan vurmasin" (2006), "Everyone has his own way" (2007), etc. Criticism and theoretical ideas of books reflect the half-century (1960-2010) period of our history. These works are written with a never-out-of-date modern thinking, a high sense of history, logic and judgment. Bekir Nabiyev managed to combine literary studies and criticism in his scientific activity. The outstanding academician laid the foundation of the excellent "Bekir Nabiyev School" in Azerbaijani philology. Nizami Jafarov, Teymur Karimli, Maharram Gasimli, Kamran Aliyev, Shirindil Alishanli, Mukhtar Imanov, Tehran Alishanoglu are his students. Representatives of this school are prominent Azerbaijani critics and literary scholars.

The deceased scientist was a member of the Presidium of ANAS, academician-secretary of the Department of Literature, Language and Art of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences for many years (1987-2001), editor-in-chief of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences "News" magazine (literature, language and art series) and for nearly ten years He worked in responsible positions as the director of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS. In addition, the chairman of the Azerbaijan Culture Fund (1987-1990), the chairman of the specialized defense council for literature (since 1993), the editorial board of the "Literature and Art" newspaper, the artistic council of the "Azerbaijanfilm" studio named after Jafar Jabbarli, the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, " He was a member of the board of directors of the Vatan society, the plenum of the republican "Knowledge" society, an adviser to the editor-in-chief of the Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia, and the deputy chairman of the Azerbaijan branch of the Soviet-Pakistan Friendship Society. He gave a speech at international literary-scientific and political meetings in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Greece, Denmark, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, USA, China and Japan.

The rich activity of Bekir Nabiyev has always been highly appreciated by the state of Azerbaijan. He was awarded the "Shohrat" and "Independence" orders, and was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Academician Bekir Nabiyev died on March 15, 2012 in Baku.