Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


International conference dedicated to outstanding Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy held

26-06-2018 [ 13:45 ] [ read:18 ]
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On June 25, Central Scientific Library of ANAS hosted an international scientific conference titled "Magtymgulu  - the spiritual medic of human heart" dedicated to the life and work of prominent Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy. Opening the event, vice president of ANAS, academic Isa Habibbayli said that modern development of literary relations between Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan is at a high level. He noted that the same language and religion unite Azerbaijani and Turkmen people, who have the same religion, culture, ancient historical relations and traditions.

The scientist emphasized that the foundation of our relations in the modern era was laid by national leader Heydar Aliyev and ex-president of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. These relations are successfully being continued by President Ilham Aliyev and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan are confidently stepping forward.

Informing about rich creativity of M. Pyragy, academic I.Habibbeyli  emphasized that the study, investigation and publication of  valuable heritage of the genius thinker are of great importance for the development of literary-cultural relations between our countries. Speaking about the services of M.Pyragy in the Turkmen written literature, he characterized great  thinker as the founder of national independence literature in Turkmenistan. He noted that the poet reflected the struggle of the Turkmen people for freedom and independence in his work , and realism was a major part of his poetry.

The vice-president of the ANAS, who said that   "Divan" consisting of the selected works of Turkmen poet and published in our native language for the first time by the Institute of Literature  is a new contribution to the highly-developed Azerbaijani-Turkmen literary relations. He stressed that the memory of prominent Turkmen poet M.Pyragy is dear to our country and a series of events are being held.

Academic I.Habibbeyli noted that international forum with the participation of representatives of academies of Turkic-speaking countries will take place in Baku in the near future.