Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


"Jafar Jabbarli and National Independence Movement" book has been published

26-06-2018 [ 13:43 ] [ read:17 ]
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 The book "Jafar Jabbarli and National Independence Movement" by Asif Rustamli, Doctor of Philology, Chairman of Jafar Jabbarli Commission of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan , Head of Press History and Publication Department of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi has been published.

The book includes a prominent playwright, talented poet and writer, an active participant of the struggle for independence, Jafar Jabbarli's joining the National Independence Movement (1920-1923) in the struggle for Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, its previous and future spheres of action, the Soviet regime, and participation in "Istiglal" newspaper publishing process, and prison-life.

Scientific editor of the edition is Vice-President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli and the reviewer is Gamar Seyfeddingizi, the director of the House Museum of J. Jabbarli.