Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Literature Institute held a scientific literary conference "Literary Process-2017"

26-06-2018 [ 13:40 ] [ read:67 ]
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ANAS Electronic Assembly Hall of the Literature Institute after Nizami Ganjaviheld scientific literary conference "Literary process-2017" on June 4.

At the event, ANAS vice-president, director of the Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbayli told that, scientific conference on literary processes at the institution he headed were conducted consistently from 1976 to 1984. He noted that, the scientific sessions "The Literary Process - 1976-1984" and books consisting of materials from these events fully and systematically reflect the genre development of the literature of that era, its main problems and shortcomings and tasks.

It was noted that, the scientific sessions "Literary Process" and publications that appeared in the seventies and eighties of the XX century laid the foundation for the analysis and synthesis of contemporary Azerbaijani literature not in terms of periods and stages, as in the history of classical literature and textbooks, but in specific years. This can be considered a specific scientific event and a special scientific stage in the Azerbaijani literature.

Academician I.Habibbayli said that, the events "Literary process", which began to be held in 2014 in a new format, on the scale of creative meetings, have a new character in form and content: "This is a qualitatively new stage in the" Literary Process "movement. Materials "Literary process", about 42 years ago came to the agenda of the scientific environment as reports, gradually developed to the level of monographic research".

Further in his speech, Secretary of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan Rashad Majid, highly appreciated the initiative of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi regarding holding scientific creative meetings "Literary process". He stressed that, such events will make a great contribution to the development of our literature.

The editor-in-chief of "Literature Newspaper" Azer Turan said that, the special issue entitled "Literary results of the year" examines the general picture of Azerbaijani literature in one year: "Every year we publish materials of traditional meetings devoted to the literary results of the year. This time we decided to present the reports not in a fragmented form, but in a separate issue. In this issue, the literary picture of 2017 is described and analyzed by the scholars of the Institute of Literature".

Speaking about the movement "Literary process", Doctor of Philology, Professor Shirindil Alyshanli noted that, a great scientific potential has been formed and a rich theoretical experience has been accumulated. It was noted that, the creative meetings "Literary process" will give impetus to the further development of Azerbaijani literary criticism.

The event continued with scientific reports.

The conference will listened 19 reports from the Institute's staff on various genres of literature.