Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Scientific relations with Bulgaria

13-06-2018 [ 10:21 ] [ read:66 ]
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A delegation of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences visited Bulgaria and made important steps in the development of mutual relations.

Vice-President of ANAS, academic Isa Habibbayli participated in the Satira and Humor festival held in Gabrovo, Bulgaria. It was held discussions on Bulgarian folk laughter, traditions of satirical literature, as well as the history of cartoon art and the existing realities, and agreed to carry out scientific research in this direction in Satira and Humor House in Gabrovo which fraternized with Sheki city of Azerbaijan. 

The Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS and the Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences signed an agreement on mutual cooperation.

Vice President of ANAS, academic Isa Habibbeyli and director of the Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Professor Elka Traykova considered the importance of conducting joint research on literary relations between the countries and the poetics of realistic satirical literature.


Aghahuseyn Shukurov