Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


It was presented new version of the web-site of the Institute of Literature

15-05-2017 [ 10:54 ] [ read:83 ]
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It was held the presentation of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS on 12 may. 

While addressing in the presentation ceremony, vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute, academic Isa Habibbayli informed that high technologies had been speedily applied in the institution lead by him. Hre noted that it was created electron observation system, electron hall began its activity, as well as electron library was opened for readers in 2014. 

Academic I. Habibbayli informed "Web-sites of the institutions and organizations of ANAS take special place in illuminating innovations in Azerbaijani science and infromation about the activity of our scientists are operative published via these sites. He said that web-site of the Institute of Literature meets all modern requirements and the last technological innovations realise here. 

Then the chief of the Department of Scientific information and translaion, doctor of philology, Zakira Aliyeva presented "" web-site and said that the main purpose of the web-site is to deliver the activity of the Institute to the state and world public more widely. 

 Ruslan Aliyev, who prepared the web-site and director of the company “Time4soft” noted that the web-site is prepared in the format of line-design and bloc, as well as there are passage links to the official bodies.

