Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Mehraliyev Elchin Ali oglu

14-04-2017 [ 10:46 ] [ read:314 ]
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Position: A chief scientific worker

Phone: mobile: (+994 55) 784 52 52, home: (+994 12) 449 63 03

Place of birth: Azerbaijan Republic, Agdam district, Gulluja village

Date of birth: 18.05.1952

Education: Baku State University

Scientific degree: Doctor Philology

Title: Topic of PhD thesis: "War and literature (on the lease of 90th years of Azerbaijan literature)"; 5716.01; "Azerbaijani literature"

Total number of printed scientific publications: 135

A number of scientific publications printed abroad: 8

Main scientific achievements: 1.The investigation of the new theme and idea of the contemporary Azerbaijan literature;

2.The investigation and development stages of Karabagh theme in Azerbaijan national literature;

3.The investigation of the using peculiarities from the poetical style leaning to the documentary literary prose giving the first informations connecting with Karabagh in the Azerbaijan written literature;

4.The explanation of the incident of Armenian encroachment to the Azerbaijan land in the literary literature from the point of theme and problem;

5.The determination of the genre, style and art leaning of the literature on the result of the literary reflection of Karabagh incidents;

6.The determination of the theme of Karabagh war formed in literature and its way from publicism to the epical description.

Names of scientific works: 1.Everybody lives his fate (Scientific articles about Almas Ildirim, Mikayil Musfiq, the creation of heroes of the play “Othello” by Shakespeare have been giveni in the book Baku: Azerneshr, 1998, 272 p;

2.The theme of war in the contemporary Azerbaijan poetry. “Dil ve edebiyyat” Baku 1999 N/2 (24) pp. 83-88;

3.War in the poetry. “Azerbaijan” journal. 1999, n. 10. р. 176-183;

4.“Martyrs” as a lyrical narration about the struggle of the people. News of the Academy of Sciences (Literature, Language and Art 2000, n-1-2, pp. 77-87);

5.War and our prose. “Azerbaijan” journal, 2000, n. 8, pp. 175-183;

6.War and literature. (Struggle for Karabagh and 90th years literature. Baku: Azerneshr, 2000, 14-25

7.Human – personification of the struggle of good and evil;

8.Our literary prose: From stagnation to reviving. “Azerbaijan” journal, 2005, n. 12, pp. 138- 147;

9.The idea-contents peculiarities of the works formed on the theme of Armenian – Muslim struggle at the beginning of the 20th century News of ANAS (Humanities series n.3, Baku, “Elm”, 2007, pp. 104-121;

10.Thoughts about the literary process. News of ANAS (Humanities series), n. 4, Baku: “Elm”, 2008, pp. 3 -10;

11.The theme of Karabagh in the Azerbaijan literature: the problems of idea and artistic ability. Baku: Nurlan, 2008, 21

12.The two- fold views on Karabagh theme in the Soviet period literature. Journal of “Literature”, (Scientific works of Nizami Institute of Literature of ANAS) 2008, XXI vol, pp. 156-166;

13.The conflict of Karabagh and place co-existence in Azerbaijan literature. Today and tomorrow of Russian economics. Moscow, 2009, n. 31, р. 221-226;

14.Time and literature. Baku. “MBM”, 2009, pp. 110-124;

15.The particularly peculiarities of the reflection of aggression against Azerbaijan. “Literature on Black Sea region” journal, 2012, n. 12, pp. 116-199;

16.“Russia in the contemporary Azerbaijan Military novel”, Scientific – publicistic journal. “Entelekhiya” n. 27, 2013. 

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: A member of Academic Council of Nizami Institute of Literature of ANAS; Member of Azerbaijan Writers Unity; Member of Azerbaijan Journalists Unity.

Other activities: Literary creation, Journalistic activity. Founder and editor in chief of the newspaper “Maarifchi".

Awards and prizes: Laureate of Prize of “Golden Pen”.