Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Hamidov Imamverdi Yavar oglu

14-04-2017 [ 10:42 ] [ read:294 ]
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Position: Head of the Department of the ancient period of the Azerbaijani literature

Phone: Office phone: (+994 12) 5103425, mobile: (+994 50) 3664062, home: (+994 12) 4415478, Fax: (+994 12) 5102092


Place of birth: Azerbaijan Republic, Masallı district, village Bala Kolatan

Date of birth: 01.01.1941

Scientific degree: Doctor of Philology

Title: Professor

Topic of PhD thesis: Ibn Kuteyba Dinavari: (Life and works); 5718.01; World literature (Arabic literature)

Topic of doctoral thesis: The problems of investigation of classics of Azerbaijan literature in Arabic literature; 5716.01;5718.01; Azerbaijan literature; World literature (Arabic literature)

Total number of printed scientific publications: 99

A number of scientific publications printed abroad: 29

A number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases8

Staff training: PhD - 5, Doctor of sciences - 2 

Basic scientific achievements: 1.The literary criticism of the philologist of the 9 th century Ibn Kuteyba Dinavari and his works about literary critic and “adab” and “shuubiyya”.

2.The time of the author of the “Akhbarul-Maknun va asharuhu” Abu Bakr Valibi which was the main source for the work “Leyli and Majnun” by Nizami and its connection with 10 th century and his being Azerbaijani.

3.The poetical heritage of the Azerbaijani poets who wrote in Arabic language Omar Ganji, Iskafi Zanjani and Maglisi Maragai (X-XI c)

4.The investigation about Arabic scientists Mahammad Guneymi Hilal, Abdunueym Hasaneyn, Huseyn Mujib al-Misri, Said Jamaladdin, Muhammad Juma and others which studied the works of Azerbaijani classics Nizami Hanjavi, Khagani Shirvani and Muhammad Fuzuli.

5.With Arabic scholars Nasr Abbas and Fatima al-Mavafi explained the development of the directions and creative methods of the Azerbaijan literature till the middle of XX century in the work “Al-adabul-azari” which published in Arabic

6.Names of scientific works 1.Ibn Kuteyba Dinavari. Baku, Elm, 1998, 144 p.

7. Abu Bakr al-Valibi and work “Akhbarul-Majnun and asharuhu” Baku, Elm, 1999, 145 p.

8.The pages from Azerbaijan-Arabic literary connections. Baku, Elm, 2002, 210 p.

9.Classics of Azerbaijan literary in Arabic literary criticism. Baku, Elm, 2007, 214 p.

10.Divan of Ali ibn Talib. The philological translation (Together with M.V.Mukhtari). Baku. 2011, 168 p.

11.Al-adabul-Azeri (Azerbaijan literature) (With Nasr Abbas and Fatima al-Mavafi). AbuDabi, 2013, 250 p (in Arabic).

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: 1.A member of Scientific Council Nizami Institute of ANAS

2.A member of Dissertation Council at Nizami Institute of ANAS

Pedagogical activity: 1993-2011 Lecturer on Arabic literature at the state University,1997-2006 Lecturer on Arabic language and literature at Baku Asian University,1997-2006 lecturer on Arabic language and literature at Baku Asian University,1999-2010 Lecturer on Arabic at the Egypt Central Culture in Baku.

Other activities: 1994-1997 Head of the department of the literature of the journal “Nizami Ganjavi”

Awards and prizes: Rewards of National Academy of Azerbaijan Republic in 2004 and 2013.