Position: Head of Nizami Department
Phone: Office phone: 537 24 33, Mobile: (+994 50) 3388912 Home: (+994 12) 5952093
E-mail: Nushabe.arasli@gmail.com
Place of birth: Azerbaijan, Baku
Date of birth: 25 March 1941
Education: Baku State University
Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Title: Professor
Topic of PhD thesis: Ardebili Arif and his poem "Farhad-name",5716.01, Literature Azerbaijan Nizami and Turkish Literature
Total number of printed scientific publications: 3 monographs, 23 books (5 compiled,18 textbooks), 150 articles
A number of scientific publications printed abroad: 15
A number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases: 70
Staff training: PhD: 3, Doctor of Science: 5
Basic scientific achievements: Monograph, articles and lectures
Names of scientific works: 1. Ardebili Arif and his poem "Farhad-name". Baku, 1979, 170 p.
2. Nizami and Turkish Literature.Baku,1980, 204 p.
3.Poetics of Nizami.Baku, 2004,454 p.
Pedagogical activity: Western University in Baku, Azerbaijan Social - Political University –12 years
Awards and prizes: Order "Shohrat" of Republic of Azerbaijan, Honorary Degree of ANAS