Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Alishanov Shirindil Hasan oghlu

14-03-2017 [ 14:30 ] [ read:451 ]
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Posotion: Head of Historical Poetics Department

Phone: office: (+994 12) 5391028 mobile: (+994 50) 3787200 home: (+994 12) 5107163


Place of birth:  Lachin region, Azerbaijan

Date of birth: 28.10.1952 

Education:  Baku State University, faculty of Philology

Scientific degree: Doctor of philological sciences 

Title: Professor

Topic of PhD thesis: Problem of Romanticism in Azerbaijan Literature, 10.01.08, Theory of literature 

Topic of Doctoral thesis: Theoretical and Methodological problems of the Azerbaijani Literature;10.01.01;10.01.08; Theory of Literature. Textual criticism

Total number of printed scientific publications: 155

A number of scientific publications printed abroad: 10

A number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases: 6

Staff training:  PhD: 7

Main scientific achievements: Theoretical and methodological problems of the Azerbaijani literature, Mechanism of development of literary process. History and theoretical problems of the 20th century literature

Names of scientific works: 1. Aesthetic memory of the word, 1994 

2. Romanticism: arguments, facts, 2000 

3. Boundaries of literary and art thought and modern humanitarian thought in Azerbaijani

Membership with international and foreign scientific organization: 1.Academician of the Independent literature 

2.Academy of Aesthetics and liberal arts