Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The republican scientific-theoretical conference dedicated to the 230th anniversary of the birth of Mirza Shafi Vazeh was held

13-06-2024 [ 15:14 ] [ read:176 ]
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The conference devoted to "Mirza Shafi Vazeh and world literature" was jointly organized by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ganja City Executive Authority, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and its Ganja Branch.

Scientists and researchers representing the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli, Lankaran Regional Scientific Center, as well as Nakhchivan and Mingachevir State Universities attended the scientific event.

The conference was held in the big meeting hall of the ANAS Ganja Branch, where attendees also saw an exhibition of historical documents and scientific publications. Pictures of manuscripts pertaining to Mirza Shafi Vazeh's work that are kept in Germany have generated a lot of curiosity.

Republican scientific-theoretical conference chairman Academician Fuad Aliyev welcomed attendees and visitors with a wrestling analogy. In addition to being a well-known representation of our literature, he pointed out that the renowned poet and teacher Mirza Shafi Vazeh was crucial in getting Azerbaijani poetic ideas and traditions recognised across Europe.

Academician Fuad Aliyev emphasised that the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev gave special attention to the significance of introducing and carefully examining the legacy of notable individuals who have a special place in our history and literature as part of his strategic line for the sake of our national interests and the objectives of our spiritual and ideological renaissance. Academician Fuad Aliyev called attention to the June 8, 1981, decree signed by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, which strengthened the study of Mirza Shafi Vazeh's creative legacy.

Academician Fuad Aliyev highlighted that President Ilham Aliyev, the deserving successor to the National Leader, has effectively carried on that strategic path in the present era for the benefit of our nation's advancement and the moral ascent of our people on a national scale. In consideration of this document, he signed the Decree dated February 3, 2014, which marked the celebration of our great poet's 220th anniversary of birth. He also personally took part in the opening of the Mirza Shafi Vazeh Museum in Ganja on November 10, 2017. seen as honourable historical occurrences.

During the ceremony, renowned artist and youthful composer Mammad Jafarov discussed the background of romances composed by A.G. Rubinstein and P.I. Tchaikovsky, two classical Russian composers, using the great poet's words as inspiration.

A few years ago, M. Jafarov created the novel "Var" based on the lines of Mirza Shafi, and he won awards for it in singing contests. He also gave the novel to the competitors. Gaya Nasibzadeh, a young soprano and Ganja Regional College student, delivered a romantic piece that was met with a great deal of compassion.

Yadigar Badalov, the chairman of the Ganja City Executive Authority's department who attended the event, expressed his appreciation for the scientific meeting's efforts in honouring Mirza Shafi Vazeh, the renowned poet and educator, on his 230th birthday. He underlined how crucial the contributions of our scientists and intellectuals are to the advancement of our nation and the continued fortification of the principles that underpin our sovereignty.

During a city tour, the conference attendees were familiar with Ganja's historical sites and monuments.