Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Commemorating Abbas Sahhat‘s 150th birthday "There is no person who does not love the country!" A Republican scientific conference held

04-06-2024 [ 14:14 ] [ read:55 ]
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On May 31, 2024, at the republican scientific conference held at the Shamakhi branch of ADPU, Asmar Huseynova, Ph.D., Gurbat Mirzazade, Ph.D., Aynura Mustafayeva, Ph.D., and Elnara Karagözova, Ph.D., employees of the "Literary Criticism" department of ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Literature Institute, delivered papers honouring the 150th anniversary of poet, translator, and exceptional teacher Abbas Sahhat.

The report "Literary meetings of Abbas Sahhat in academician Kemal Talibzade's researches" by Ph.D., Associate Gurbat Mirzazade was delivered.

In his paper "Ceremony? Or Drama?!" Ph.D., Assoc. Aynura Mustafayeva concentrated on the dynamics and history of the genre's evolution.

The report "Artistic Reflection of the Concept of Homeland in the Poetry of Abbas Sahhat" by Ph.D. Asmar Huseynova highlighted the poet's ability to create landscapes in poetry, as well as the power of love for the country, nature, and social and political themes.

Ph.D., Associate Professor Elnara Garagozova emphasised the following aspects in her paper "Abbas Sahhat's work in the context of literary criticism of Azerbaijan": analysing the writer's legacy and analysing it in light of current literary trends in our criticism.

The conference attendees were intrigued by the reports delivered by the staff members of the ANAS Institute of Literature Nizami Ganjavi's "Literary Criticism" department, and the organisers of the eventgranted them a certificate.