Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Mirza Bala Mahammadzade‘s "Selected Works" has been published

21-05-2024 [ 13:48 ] [ read:46 ]
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"Selected works" by Mirza Bala Mahammadzadeh, the seventh book in the "Azerbaijan emigration literature library" series established by ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of literary has been released by the "Science and education" publishing house.

The volume, which was assembled using primary sources, comprises a comprehensive collection of poems, stories, memoirs, literary studies, articles on the history of emigration and the Turkic world, and encyclopaedic essays. These pieces paint a comprehensive picture of the diverse literary, scientific, and journalistic endeavours of M.B. Mohammadzadeh, a leading figure in the Azerbaijani national movement of the 20th century. This book is significant since it is the first academically published compilation of some of M.B. Mohammadzadeh's writings from his exile.

Nikpur Jabbarli, a Doctor in Philology is the compiler of the book, the writer of the "Foreword" and the notes, and the primary editor is  a PhD  in Philology.Arif Acaloglu,

The institution is now getting ready to produce the upcoming volumes in the "Azerbaijan emigration literature library" series.