Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS held a scientific seminar dedicated to the 380th anniversary of Matsuo Bashou

16-05-2024 [ 11:40 ] [ read:25 ]
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The Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences hosted a scientific seminar in honour of hokku master Matsuo Bashou, one of the most notable figures in Japanese literature, on his 380th birthday. The seminar was part of the regular series on Asian peoples' literatures and was organised by the department of Azerbaijan-19 Asian literary relations.

Speaking at the seminar initially, Professor Badirkhan Ahmadli, the department chair, said that Japanese poetry was first introduced to Azerbaijani culture in the latter half of the 20th century and that Japanese literature is neither new nor foreign to the country. Azerbaijan's readership was supplied with a haiku poetry. Simultaneously, the "Literature" journal would occasionally feature translations of Japanese poetry by folk poets Rasul Reza and Jabir Nowruz. Japanese sherry has distinct artistic and aesthetic qualities because to its long history.

Afterwards, the department's employee Gulnar Yunusova, the first and only expert in Azerbaijani literary studies and recipient of a doctorate in philology in the field of Japanese literature, presented a lecture that covered Matsuo Bashou's life and creative process: "More than a thousand poems of Bashou have survived to this day."