Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

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"Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations at the level of the 20th century" topic in the scientific journal of Uzbekistan ​

09-01-2024 [ 11:43 ] [ read:594 ]
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The article of Shabnam Mirzazadeh, a doctoral student of the "Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan literary relations" department, was published in the Uzbek language in the "Uzbek language and literature" scientific journal.

The article titled "Evolution of the dramatic genre in Uzbek and Azerbaijani literature at the beginning of the 20th century" by Shabnam Mirzazade, PhD student of the "Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan Literary Relations" Department of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, was published in the "Uzbek language" of the Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. and literature" was published in the Uzbek language scientific journal.

The article was published in the magazine's 2023 issue No. 4. The article published in the "Scientific Information" column of the magazine talked about the "Jadid" movement that existed at the beginning of the 20th century and the innovations that this movement gave to various fields of literature, and provided information about classic and modern literature examples. Later, the article explains the processes of the development of the dramatic genre, which is considered a new phenomenon in Uzbek and Azerbaijani literature, and the emergence and formation of the theater tradition with the emergence of the dramatic genre. As a result, the historical development of Uzbek dramaturgy and theater, which started from Azerbaijani literature and dramaturgy, was widely discussed. All these processes indicate the antiquity and at the same time eternity of the historical traditions of Azerbaijan-Uzbek literary relations.

In the article, centuries-old relations of Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations are reflected at the level of the 20th century - on the example of the dramatic works of Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Haji Muin, Hamza Hakimzadeh Niyazi, Abdurrauf Fitrat and Abdulla Qadiri, who are the main representatives of the modernist movement.

The reviewer of the article "Evolution of the dramatic genre in Azerbaijan and Uzbek literature at the beginning of the 20th century" published in the scientific journal "Uzbek language and literature" by Shabnam Mirzazade, a doctoral student of the "Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan literary relations" department, and the translator into Uzbek was Almaz Ulvi, a doctor of philological sciences, and the translator into Uzbek was E.A. Syrdaryakhan Utanova is an associate professor.