Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

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49 books and monographs were published by the Institute of Literature in half a year

13-09-2023 [ 13:00 ] [ read:121 ]
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Bakı, 23 iyun, AZƏRTAC

A meeting dedicated to the discussion of the scientific and scientific-organizational activity report of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS for the first half of 2023 was held.

AZERTAC was informed about this by ANAS. Academician Isa Habibbayli, President of ANAS, informed on the issues on the agenda and emphasized that the first six months of 2023 are important for the Institute of Literature in terms of achieving scientific achievements.

The scientific secretary of the institute, Ph.D. in philology, associate professor Aygün Bagırli presented the report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activity of the institution for the first half of 2023. He stated that in accordance with President Ilham Aliyev's Decree dated September 29, 2022 "On the declaration of 2023 as the "Year of Heydar Aliyev" in the Republic of Azerbaijan, numerous international and national level scientific conferences, scientific sessions, and panel discussions were held under the organization of the institute. employees of the institute made speeches at events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader in various institutions. Also, 6 books were published as a contribution to the "Year of Heydar Aliyev". In addition to the above, articles by institute employees were published in special issues of "Ulduz" magazine, "Adabiyyat" newspaper, as well as in other books and collections.

It was emphasized that in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 6, 2022, "On measures related to the declaration of the city of Shusha as the "Cultural Capital of the Turkic World" for 2023, the international scientific conference on "Ahmed Agaoglu and the Turkic World" will be held in October. Preparations for the conference are ongoing.

Aygün Bagırlı noted that during the reporting period, a total of 49 books and monographs, 524 articles of which 46 were published abroad, were published. Publications related to the Institute of Literature were presented to the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Guba branch of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, and secondary schools.

In his report, the scientific secretary also provided information about the international relations of the Institute of Literature. He said that during the reporting period, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Institute of Literature and the Firat University of the Republic of Turkey in order to organize joint activities in order to develop scientific relations within the framework of beneficial cooperation. It was also noted that in the first half of 2023, 14 employees of the institute went on a business trip to participate in meetings and conferences held in different countries of the world.

It was brought to attention that during the reporting period, consistent work was carried out in the direction of training new personnel, 6 graduate students successfully defended their dissertations and received a master's degree. In addition, 3 employees of the institution received the doctor of science degree, 7 employees received the scientific degree of doctor of philosophy, and 4 employees received the academic title of associate professor.

The report also gave detailed information about the awards of the institute's employees, the state of management of the updated website of the institution, as well as the work done in the direction of popularizing Azerbaijani literature and scientific research resources of Azerbaijani literature on social networks.

Then academician Teymur Karimli made a speech and pointed out that the institute achieved high scientific results in the first half of the year.

Nushaba Arasli, the corresponding member of ANAS, professors Vugar Ahmed, Imamverdi Hamidov, Tahira Mammad and others spoke in the discussion about the report.

In addition, the composition of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Literature was changed at the event, and a decision was made to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the literary critic scientist Shamil Salmanov. The issue of recommending the book "Heydar Aliyev: an elite personality in world civilization" by Dr. Alizade Asgarli for publication was also discussed.

In the end, Academician Isa Habibbeyli presented an honorary decree to Safura Guliyeva, Ph.D. in philology, associate professor, the leading researcher of the 20th century (Soviet period) Azerbaijani literature department of the institute, for her active participation in the social life of the institution, her effective scientific activity in the field of literary heritage research, and her 80th birthday.