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Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan scientific relations

13-12-2023 [ 11:20 ] [ read:47 ]
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Academician Isa Habibbayli, President of ANAS, paid a visit to the Great Leader's bust in Tashkent.

On December 12, Tashkent hosted jubilee activities commemorating the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan's 80th anniversary. Academician Isa Habibbayli, president of ANAS, attends the activities as well.

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, read a congratulatory message during the ceremonial opening ceremony of the anniversary activities.

The president of Uzbekistan's Academy of Sciences, academician Behzod Yuldashev, then gave an introduction address.

Academician Isa Habibbayli, president of ANAS, addressed at the inauguration ceremony and stated that ties between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan are continually improving in many spheres, including science. Speaking on the reciprocal scientific ties of our countries' Academies of Sciences, Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that scientific and cultural cooperation has expanded rapidly in recent years in all areas. He highlighted that ties between scientific institutions not just of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, but also of other Turkic nations, had entered a new phase and thanked his Uzbek colleagues.

Açılış mərasimində, həmçinin Türkiyə, Qazaxıstan, Monqolustan, Çin, Qırğızıstan, Tacikistan, Rusiya, Belarus, Tatarıstan Elmlər akademiyalarının prezidentləri və vitse-prezidentləri çıxış ediblər.

At the ceremony, a documentary video chronicling Uzbekistan EA's 80-year history was presented.

Following the opening ceremony, Uzbekistan's art masters performed a concert.

Divisional meetings will take place on December 13 as part of the Jubilee celebrations.

On December 12, National Leader Heydar Aliyev's commemoration day, Academician Isa Habibbayli, President of ANAS, paid a visit to the Great Leader's bust at Tashkent's Heydar Aliyev park-square.