Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


"He is the Life of the Sun, will not be extinguished" event devoted to the 100th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, an event held.

10-05-2023 [ 14:16 ] [ read:30 ]
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On May 5, the Sabunchu District Central Library held an event "He is the Life of the Sun, it will not fade" devoted to the 100th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev. Within the framework of the event, the presentation of the book "He was the sun's life, it will not fade" by the poet, employee of the ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Ibrahim Yusifoglu was held. At the event, Salida Sharifova, Doctor of Philology, ANAS Professor, acctive member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences delivered a paper on the topic "About the artistic image of Heydar Aliyev in Ibrahim Yusifoglu's poem "He was the life of the sun, it will not go out".

The event was attended by Director of the Sabunchu district MKS, Najiba Huseynova and the staff of the library, employee of the Institute of Literature Ibrahim Yusifoglu, Doctor of Philology, Professor of ANAS, active member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Salida Sharifova (speaker), employee of the  ANAS  Institute of Literature after N. Ganjavi, Doctor of Philosophy, associate professor Zaki Bayram Yurtcu, member of Azerbaijan Writers' Union, poet Mammad Tahir, employee of Baku Education Department, pedagogue Fatma Seyidova, French language specialist, poet Mammad Akbarli, poets Allahverdi Agil, Alasgar Taliboglu, member of Writers' Union, kindergarten director Vafa Rasulova, Azerbaijani language and literature teacher of school No. 107 Ilhama Ismayilova, branch managers of Sabunchu district MKS, and students of full secondary schools No. 107, 169, 252.