Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Institute of Literature launched the production experience of students by different universities

28-02-2023 [ 12:26 ] [ read:45 ]
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ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature held familiarization meeting with university students who will undergo industrial experience based on mutual cooperation with higher education institutions at the .

At the meeting, executive director of the Institute of Literature, Ph.D., associate professor Mehman Hasanli, head of the Institute's Education Department Samir Sattarov, Erasmus + project coordinator Ph.D., associate professor Shahla Gurbanova, guest of the institute, Erasmus + coordinator of Bialystok University Dr. Viktor Gardotsky and fourth-year students of Azerbaijan University of Languages, Baku Slavic University, Baku Eurasian University has participated.

During the meeting, the head of the educational department of the institute, Samir Sattarov, informed the students about the Master's degree and the prospects of the Master's education at the Institute of Literature.

Later, Mehman Hasanli, executive director of the Institute of Literature, gave a detailed report on the institute's history, scientific research directions, and achievements and called them to actively participate in this production experience.

At the end of the meeting, the head of the Education Department, Samir Sattarov has divided the students into departments and wished them success.

It should be noted that from February 16 to May 25, IV year students of Azerbaijan University of Languages, Baku Slavic University, Baku Eurasian University will undergo scientific-research and production experience at the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi.