Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A discussion was held on the topic "Triumph discourse in children‘s literature" within the framework of the Baku International Book Fair

11-10-2022 [ 11:47 ] [ read:118 ]
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On October 5, a discussion on "Victory discourse in children's literature" and a presentation of children's books dedicated to "Zafar" took place within the framework of the Baku Baku International Book Fair held at the Baku Expo Center.

The moderator of the discussion, doctor of philology, Elnara Akimova, head of the "Children's literature" department named after ANAS Nizami Ganjavi, children's writers Zahid Khalil, Sevinj Nurugizi, Gasham Isabayli, guests and readers participated in the presentation. In her speech, Elnara Akimova mentioned that the International Book Fair, which has been held for 13 years, has given immense value to children's literature in the last two years: "This is a very important factor. Sensitivity and attention to children's literature is a step taken for the sake of our tomorrow, our healthy future. Last year, we held a joint event with visiting children's writers from Turkey. We got to know Melika Gunyuz at that event, we became even closer, and we have literary relations to this day. This time we decided to discuss the topic of Victory. Because this year's exhibition takes place within the framework of the "Year of Glass". It is the 270th anniversary of Shusha, and it has been freed from the enemy for two years. There are certain books and texts on this subject in children's literature. All three of the children's writers invited here are intellectuals who have been sensitive to the subject of Karabakh and Shusha for nearly thirty years, and who keep the subject relevant in their works".

Then the word was given to children's writers. Zahid Khalil first talked about the importance of the exhibition, he talked about the creation of the work "Iron Fist", which turned our history of victory into an artistic embodiment, he said that he was working on a new work and would soon come to the children's meeting with this work.

Sevinj Nuruguzi touched on the subject and content of his two newly published books - "Whispering" and "Zafar nagmesi Shusha" and said that he created these books with great enthusiasm, pain and tension: "As soon as Shusha was released, they called me from the publishing house. They said that Mrs. Sevinj, we are waiting for the book about Shusha from you. The book "Zafar neshmesi Shusha" is a work created as a result of the pains and sufferings I have experienced day by day for many years, since the occupation of Shusha. "Whisper" is dedicated to Ganja terror. There is a cry of "no" to wars and terrorism in the language of children and dolls".

Gasham Isabayli spoke about the first volume of the newly published "Selected Works". He drew attention to the texts related to Karabakh and Shusha included there, recited some of his poems in the book for the guests and said that "I have always tried to write the pain of war through the eyes of children, the oppression they suffered in the war, and now the theme of Victory has come to the fore and to see this day gives the writer a great sense of pride."

In the end, Elnara Akimova said that there are many problems in children's literature, and this, of course, is the topic of a separate event. Thanks to the freedom of printing, we see that some publishing houses serve their commercial interests and publish books with poor content and expression. In today's publishing majority, in the era of profit interests, the fight against it is sometimes ineffective. Therefore, the greatest way of defense and struggle is to highlight and appreciate good works, to refine their poetics, to develop artistic features and to give them the value they deserve. Today's event also serves this purpose.