Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The Azerbaijani scientist was awarded the title of "Honorary Professor" of Andijan State University

23-05-2022 [ 11:34 ] [ read:34 ]
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Almaz Ulvi Binnatova, head of the Department of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Doctor of Philology was on a scientific trip to Andijan State University after Zahiraddin Muhammad Babur of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

From May 15 to 19, Almaz Ulvi Binnatova delivered lectures on "Uzbek-Azerbaijani literary relations" to Uzbek students of the language and literature faculty at the University and spoke on the role of scientific and literary ties in the history of eternal friendship between the two friendly and fraternal peoples.

Almaz Ulvi Binnatova's lectures on modern literary processes attracted the interest of all students and faculty and were highly appreciated.

The Azerbaijani scientist visited the "Museum of Remembrance of Victims of Repression" at the university, got acquainted with the historical exhibits organized in the museum, and wrote his pleasant impressions in a notebook.

In addition, at the invitation of the Chairman of the International Babur Foundation, Professor Zakirjon Mashrapov, he met with him in Andijan, visited the Archaeological Museum and the Babur Garden under the Foundation and wrote his impressions in a notebook.

It should be noted that Almaz Ulvi Binnatova has been the chairman of the Azerbaijan branch of the International Babur Foundation since 2017. He presented the books of the materials of the International Scientific Conference "Zahiraddin Mohammad Babur and Azerbaijan" held in 2018 and 2021 at the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS to the head of the Foundation.

The scientist also visited the Andijan State Museum of History and Culture, the museum's manuscript fund, got acquainted with the culture and history of the native land of Andijan, where Zahiraddin Mohammad Babur, who ruled 332 years in distant India, was born. In the end, as the day coincided with the Day of Museums, the capital gave an interview to the official channel "Uzbekistan 24" operating in Tashkent.

An interesting literary and artistic event was held in honor of the guest from Azerbaijan on the last day of the scientist's visit, calling it "Azerbaijani-Uzbek Literature Week" with the participation of university administration, faculty and all students of the Faculty of Philology.

First of all, on behalf of the university administration, Professor RV Mollajanov, Head of the Department of Uzbek Literary Studies, Professor Zakirjan Mamajanov, Professor Dildora Abdullayeva thanked the Azerbaijani scientist and noted that for the first time a foreign scholar was invited to give a lecture at Andijan State University. and everyone was extremely pleased with the result.

Therefore, Doctor of Philology Almaz Ulvi Binnatova was awarded the title of "Honorary Professor" of Andijan State University named after Zahiraddin Mohammad Babur by the rector of the university, Professor AS Yoldashev.

After the presentation, students performed Azerbaijani folk songs, folk dances, as well as excerpts from the musical comedy "Arshin mal alan".

In the end, Almaz Ulvi thanked the university administration for the high hospitality.