Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

“XARI BÜLBÜLLƏR” almanac glorifying Karabakh published in Tabriz

24-01-2022 [ 12:20 ] [ read:36 ]
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A bulkof poems titled “XARI BÜLBÜLLƏR” glorifying Karabakh was compiled in Tabriz by Vugar Ahmad, head of the Department of Press History and Journalism of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS. The book, published with a fifteen-page "Introduction" by Doctor of Philology, Professor Vugar Ahmad was published in the Arabic alphabet with a circulation of 1,000.

The book is a bulk of poems by about 110 poets from South and North Azerbaijan in Iran praising their native Karabakh. The works of Azerbaijani poets included in the collection were compiled by Vugar Ahmad, poetic examples from South Azerbaijani poets Nureddin Muqaddam and Seyid Mahmud Sani Ibadi. The 604-page collection was published by Tabriz's "Aydin Sav" publishing house at a high artistic polygraphic level.

The book includes books by Aliaga Vahid, Samad Vurgun, Suleyman Rustam, Nabi Khazri, Mammad Araz, Bakhtiyar Vahabzade, Fikret Goja, Khalil Rza, Zalimkhan Yagub, Musa Yagub, Vagif Aslan, Nusrat Kasemenli, Sujaat, as well as Vahid Aziz, Ramiz Rovshan, Ramiz Rovshan from Northern Azerbaijan. , Pasha Galbinur, Vugar Ahmad, Nazim Ahmadli, Farida Hijran, Gulbaniz Babayeva, Ibrahim Yusifoglu, Arif Buzovnali, Asad Jahangir, Gulnar Sema and many other poets.

Southern poets Mohammad Hussein Shahriyar, Nadir Ilahi, Nureddin Muqaddam, Seyid Mahmud Ibadi, Hikmati, Niksad, Kamil Gahramanoglu, Samadi Niroglu, Isa Pashapur, Sahar Khiyavi, Lutvali Fikret, Masima Javid, Mehdi Najafli, Gizilgalam, Samadi, Karimi, Samadi, Karimi, Karimi Selections were made from the works of Seyid Jalil Husseini, Asad Tisvand and dozens of others.

An article on the presentation of works by Iranian poets was written by Professor Sadig Mammadzade. The publication of this book is a great contribution to our Karabakh victory and Iran-Azerbaijan neighborliness, friendship and literary ties. We believe that the book will be appreciated by the literary community and readers of Iran and Azerbaijan.