Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Public Relations Departments are improved the activity

19-12-2019 [ 12:13 ] [ read:115 ]
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ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Electronic Assembly hall held the report meeting of the Public Relations Departments of the institutes and organizations of the Academy for 2019 on December 18.Department of Public Relations, Press and Information of ANAS Presidium  organized the meeting.

At the event, vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli spoke on the fundamental reforms and innovations implemented at the Academy. He said that, after the election of ANAS President, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev made purposeful decisions on reorganization of Public Relations Departments and took serious measures.

According to Isa Habibbayli, the relations between ANAS Department of Public Relations, Press and Information and the mass media of the country should be expanded, and the work on promotion of Azerbaijani science in the country and in the world should be accelerated. I.Habibbeyli noted that, "ANAS Employees of the Public Relations Department should pay special attention to the preparation of scientific and analytical materials". Speaking on the work of, official website of ANAS, I.Habibbayli said that, recently the portal has improved. The scientist noted that, were taken measures to establish the work of ANAS "Elm" (Science) newspaper, as well as journal "Elm ve Heyat" (Science and Life).

Academician I.Habibbayli informed on his visit to Moscow and noted that, he had met with the leadership of Maksim Gorky Russian Institute of World Literature and discussed the exchange of experience between websites of the two organizations.

ANAS Vice-president emphasized the importance of establishing ties between Public Relations Departments and Wikipedia, noting the invaluable role of this online encyclopedia in promoting Azerbaijan around the world. He said that the main task of the ANAS is to convey Azerbaijan's truths to the world community and to maintain its statehood position.

Then, head Department of Public Relations, Press and Information, PhD in Philology Aghahuseyn Shukurov delivered a report. He provided statistics on news published on the web portal and said that in the reporting year, there were about 2,300 news articles posted on the site, and more than 900 videos were broadcast by the Elm TV. A.Shukurov also informed on the activity of the “Elm” newspaper, the press-service of the Presidium of ANAS, as well as the journal "Science and Life". He said that during the year, the Elm newspaper published informative and analytical articles covering various fields of Azerbaijani science. The journal "Science and Life" contains interviews and articles of Azerbaijani scientists living outside the country and working in various scientific centers around the world.

Later, Dr. Zaur Aghamaliyev, PhD in Technical sciences, delivered a report of the website of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes, Mahsati Gurbanova - Institute of Botany, and provided information about statistical indicators of the information elucidated in the media during the reporting year, as well as work done in the direction of promoting scientific achievements of the institute.

At the end of the meeting participants' questions were respondent.