Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Scientific seminar on "Seyid Nasimi in Hurufi Sources" held

12-12-2019 [ 16:57 ] [ read:97 ]
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Professor Fatih Usluer, a well-known Hurufism researcher held a scientific seminar at ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi. This seminar was held as a part of 2nd International Scientific Conference on “Nasimi, Your Word Conquered the World”, organized by the Institute in accordance with the AR Presidential Order “On celebrating the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Imadaddin Nasimi” and the announcement of the 2019 as a "Year of Nasimi".

Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Literature, PhD in Philology Aygun Bagirli opened the event and thanked Professor Fatih Usluer for accepting the invitation to attend the seminar, which is a part of the 2nd International Scientific Conference on “Nasimi, Your Word Conquered the World”.

In his paper on "Seyid Nasimi in Hurufi Sources", Turkish scientist Fatih Usluer told on the period of coming Nasimi to Hurufism and when and where he met Fazlullah Naimi. Although the scientist suggests that, their first meeting was in Tabriz between 1386 and 1387, he also does not deny that the meeting could take place in Baku.

He even mentioned the probability of Nasimi's coming to Hurufism in 1394 after the execution of Naimi. He noted that, the four people mentioned in book “Fəzlullahın Çahar yarı” did not have Nasimi's name. But in “Vəsiyyərnamə” the name of Nasimii meets as Seyid Ali more often. He also noted that he came to the Hurufism through Aliul Ala. In general, Professor have expressing his thoughts on written sources, has firmly stated that : "Nasimi is not a pantheist".

At the seminar, the questions by  scientists of the Institute of Literature doctors of philology Rahim Aliyev, Imamverdi Hamidov, Farida Azizova, PhD in Philology, associate professor Zahra Allahverdiyeva, PhD student Shamsura Ismayilova and others were answered.