Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


An articles by scientists of the Institute of Literature published in Iraq

22-09-2023 [ 15:21 ] [ read:98 ]
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The articles of scientists of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences has published in Iraq. The next issue of the quarterly popular scientific journal "Turkmen Culture" (التحقف التركمانية) published in the Republic of Iraq is dedicated to Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli.

Scientific articles dedicated to Muhammad Fuzuli by scholars of the Institute of Literature were published in Arabic in this issue. Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor Imamverdi Hamidov's articles entitled "Arabic Words in Fuzuli's Turkish Poems", Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Ataami Mirzayev's "Baghdad in the Odes of Fuzuli al-Baghdadi", Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Mahira Guliyeva's "The Place of "Tafrig" in Fuzuli's Creativity" are published in the journal and was included in this issue.