Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası
Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu

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Scholars of ANAS Institute of Literature attended the Forum of Azerbaijani Women "For Equal Development".

Azerbaijan declares 2024 as Green World Solidarity Year - presidential decree

Presentation of publications dedicated to the life and creativity of Nurangiz Gün

"I see a new, clear tomorrow" - a conference dedicated to Bekir Chobanzade

Our literary scientists participated in the "10th International Turkish Folk Culture" Congress

The way of life realized in the unity of science, practice and action - Akif Imanli-75

Before the "day of murder" - Vagif Yusifli

How should books be selected according to age? - Interview

Bending of planes - Javanshir Yusifli

Love will die - Gazanfar Pashayev

"Mahshar Divan" for Armenian chauvinism - Vagif Yusifli

Screenplay of artistic truths - Asif Rustamli

Literary criticism in "Year of Shusha" - Tehran Alishanoglu

Fuzuli - as a great Turkic and Turanian poet - Zakulla Bayramli

From theorist Mammad Aliyev to novelist Mammad Aliyev - Nizami Mammadov Taghisoy

The name of the flower - Vislava Szymborska - Javanshir Yusifli

"Divani sister" who keeps her eyes on the road - Tahmina Badalova

Poetics of Kamal Abdulla‘s novel "Laokoon... Laokoon..." - Matanat Vahid

Author‘s goal, mission - Abid Tahirli

A conference on the topic of "The great harbinger of the national independence march and independent statehood" held

New horizons open from every birthday of the leader who turns legends into reality

Azerbaijani scientist was awarded in Istanbul

The flag flew - Tehran Alishanoglu

Ilham Aliyev: 62 years, 62 facts. December 24 is the birthday of Muzaffar Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev

An extended meeting was held on the topic "Eternal Address of Eternity"

The book "Bum-bum" written by Vagif Samadoglu for children presented

Mehman Hasanli delivered a paper at an international scientific conference in London

An international scientific conference titled "News: National Identity, Ideas of Independence, and Statehood" is being conducted

Ilhama Agazade‘s portrayal of Heydar Aliyev in children‘s literature

Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan scientific relations