Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


«Wikipedia» is preparing articles on Iraqi-Turkmen literature

25-10-2023 [ 11:10 ] [ read:37 ]
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The "Wikipedia" group of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS continues to create important articles covering various topics related to literature in the Azerbaijani language section of "Wikipedia". In this field, the articles created on Iraqi-Turkman (Kirkuk) literature are of great interest.

Elnur Eltürk, chief specialist of the "Electronic Academy" Department of ANAS Presidium, expert on "Wikipedia", researcher-expert on diaspora informed this to AzerTac. He said that, the articles on Iraqi-Turkman literature in "Wikipedia" were prepared by Narmin Hasanova, junior researcher of the Department of Oral Folk Literature and Literary Monuments of ANAS Institute of Literature. To this day she is prepared and has provided to users articles  "Shamseddin Kuzaçi", "Ata Tarzibaşı", "Abdurrazaq Novras", "Hijri Dada", "Arzu-Gambar Dastanı", "Iraq-Turkman Folklore", "Mohammed Khurshid Daguglu", "Hashim Nahid Erbil".

Articles prepared by Narmin Hasanova are distinguished by scientific content and a large number of links. These articles reflect research conducted at the Institute of Literature, and the latest results of Iraqi-Turkman literature. When preparing the articles, in addition to references to various sources, the author used the advice of Professor Ghazanfar Pashaev, who has been engaged in research on Iraqi-Turkmen literature, folklore and language for many years, and researcher Orkhan Isaev. to the institute working on the dissertation on the literary activity of Aty Tarzibashi.

"We will continue the preparation of wiki-articles at the Institute of Literature about our Turkmen compatriots who moved from Azerbaijan and settled in Iraq in different periods of history. I want to note that trainings on "Wikipedia" have been held for some time in the Central Scientific Library for employees of various institutes of the academy under the organization of the "Electronic Academy" department of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences, - Elnur Eltürk concluded his opinion.

"We will continue to prepare wiki articles at the Institute of Literature about our Turkmen compatriots who moved from Azerbaijan and settled in Iraq in different periods of history. I would like to mention that "Wikipedia" trainings for employees of various institutes of the academy have been held in the Central Scientific Library for some time under the organization of the "Electronic Academy" department of the Presidium of ANAS, Elnur Eltürk concluded his opinion.