Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Multidisciplinary agenda with an employee of ANAS Institute of Literature at the "Summer Camp of Young Scholars"

05-09-2022 [ 11:09 ] [ read:15 ]
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"Summer camp of young scientists" was organized in Lankaran region by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Council of Young Scientists and Experts of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. The Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS was represented at the summer camp by Orkhan Isayev, junior researcher of the Department of Oral Folk Literature and Literary Monuments, dissertation candidate, deputy chairman of the Institute's Council of Young Scientists and Specialists.

Our employee participated in a number of visual-practical trainings and trainings organized in the camp, and on August 9, he delivered a speech entitled "The influence of literature on other scientific fields" in front of young scientists and specialists representing various fields of science.

Orkhan Isayev won the "Khamsa" intellectual game and chess competition organized at the "Summer Camp of Young Scientists".

The summer camp, organized with the aim of strengthening the development of fundamental science, academic requirements, and national traditions in Azerbaijan, ensuring inter- and multidisciplinary integration of young people, encouraging individual, institutional and intellectual development, defining the role of science in research, innovation, modern engineering and education, was held on August 11 is over.