Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The next meeting of the Jafar Jabbarly Prize Commission was held

14-10-2024 [ 14:52 ] [ read:33 ]
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On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Jafar Jabbarli, a prominent representative of Azerbaijan's classical literature, culture, art, talented playwright, writer, poet, honored art worker, the next meeting of the Award commission after the writer was held. During his speech, the chairman of the commission, the grandson of J. Jabbarli, Gamar Seyfeddingizi, reminded that in order to perpetuate the name of the great artist by the state, according to the decision No. 202 of the Council of People's Commissars of Azerbaijan dated March 8, 1935, for the first time, "300 manats were given to young writers who received higher literary education. "A prize named after Jabbarli was established."
After major changes and interruptions in social and political life, the Jafar Jabbarli Award was restored in 2001 under the leadership of Gulara Jafar gizi Jabbarli on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the writer, 10 meetings of the Commission were held in the last 23 years, more than 80 science, literature, culture, art and the press officer was awarded the award. People's writer Elchin, people's poet Nariman Hasanzade, people's artists Mikayil Mirza, Azer Zeynalov, Ramiz Novruz, Ramiz Malik, Yashar Nuri, Hamida Omarova, Haji Ismayilov, Fuad Poladov, Rasim Balayev, Zarnigar Agakishiyeva, Maleyka Asadova, Shafiga Mammadova were awarded the Jafar Jabbarli Award. Malakkhanim Ayyubova, Firanfiz Mutallimova, Nurettin Mehdikhanli, Agakishi Kazimov, Azerpasha Nematov, Ogtay Mirgasimov, Eldost Bayram, professors Gazanfar Pashayev, Asif Rustamli, Ilham Rahimli, Hamlet Isakhanli, Himalaya Gasimov, Tahira Mammad, Gulshan Aliyeva-Kangerli, Maryam Alizade, Elman Guliyev. , Karim Tahirov, Turkish
Professors Ahmet Buran, Ercan Alkaya, Süleyman Kaan Yalçın, Seda Arıkan and others. awarded with this honorable title.

Considering the applications presented as a continuation of the tradition, the Commission to the following persons science, literature, culture, art and press
made a decision on awarding the "Jafar Jabbarli Award" on nomination.

Winners of the Jafar Jabbarli Award:
1. Isa Akbar oglu Habibbayli - academician, doctor of philological sciences,
2. Ismayil Oruj oglu Mammadli - doctor of philological sciences, professor
3. Israfil Ramazan oglu Israfilov - honored artist,
doctor of art sciences, professor
4. Mirza Mammad oglu Mashov - researcher, translator, literary critic
5. Nariman Haji oglu Abdulrahmanli - writer-publicist
6. Kanan Haji - writer-publicist
7. Agasafa Gafur oglu Yahyayev - poet, publicist
8. Shovgi Arastun oghlu Huseynov - honored artist
9. Simuzer Nadir gizi Agakishiyeva - National Young Audience Theater
10. Iman Amirhuseyn oglu Majidov - director

Special Diploma:
1. Konul Vagif gizi Mammadova - head teacher of GSU
PS. Presentation ceremony of Jafar Jabbarli Awards 17.10.2024,
at 14.00 will be in the meeting hall of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS.