Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Discussion of the novel "Legend of Prometheus" in the "Let‘s get to know new literature" project

05-06-2024 [ 11:11 ] [ read:30 ]
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A discussion on Adam's book "Legend of Prometheus" took place on May 16 as part of the joint "Let's get to know the new literature" initiative of "Literary Newspaper" and the Azerbaijan Literature Department of the ANAS Institute of Literature Nizami Ganjavi.

We present the text of the discussion to the readers in abbreviated form.

The discussion was attended by Tehran Alishanoglu, the chief of the Department of Azerbaijani literature of the Period of Independence, Gulnar Gambarova, PhD, a corresponding member of ANAS, senior researcher Manzar Niyarli, intern students Yegana Abdullayeva and Yenigul Asgarova, and doctoral students Hanifa Salifova and Sabira Muzaffarli.

Moderator was PhD in Philology Matanat Vahid.