Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A conference on "Mohammed Fuzuli and Sultan Baho: Literary relations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan" held

30-04-2024 [ 11:14 ] [ read:229 ]
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ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi held a conference on "Muhammad Fuzuli and Sultan Baho: literary relations between Azerbaijan and Pakistan".  A number of Pakistani scientists, intellectuals representing various scientific and educational institutions participated in the conference. The conference was opened by the president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli. Academician Isa Habibbayli noted that this conference is the fourth conference dedicated to Azerbaijan-Pakistan relations. We held the first conference in 2017 without our Pakistani guest. We have held conferences with Lahore University both in Baku and Lahore. I would also like to mention the name of Professor Yusuf Khush, who was the head of the Pakistan Academy of Literature.
Academician Isa Habibbeyli reminded that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev made a decision to celebrate the 530th anniversary of the birth of the great Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli. He said that Muhammad Fuzuli conferences are held in the country and around the world. This conference is dedicated to the 530th anniversary of Fuzuli. Muhammad Fuzuli is a great ghazal master who lived and created in the 16th century. The poem "Leyli and Majnun" brought him world fame. Sultan Baho is also Muhammad Fuzuli of Pakistan.This conference will be a new page of Pakistan-Azerbaijan scientific and literary relations. He added that Imadedin Nasimi, the follower of the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi, wrote his works in three languages. Although Nasimi wrote works in Arabic and Persian, she is neither Arab nor Persian, she is an Azerbaijani. He thanked the guests for talking about Imadedin Nasimi as a great Azerbaijani poet. After this conference, he said that they will also show the Institute of Manuscripts, where 5,000 manuscripts are protected in 12,000 names.

Sahibzadeh Sultan Ahmed Ali, one of the Pakistani scientists, chairman of the Muslim Institute, spoke about the history and present day of relations in his extensive report "The works of Muhammad Fuzuli and Sultan Baho in the context of Azerbaijan-Pakistan literary relations". Lahore Urdu College University Associate Professor, dr. Safeer Heyder's report entitled "Reflection of the human self in Sultan Baho's mystical symphony" was received with interest. At the conference, the head of Azerbaijan-Asian literary relations department of the Institute of Literature, doctor of philological sciences, professor Badirkhan Ahmadli gave a wide report entitled "Azerbaijan-Pakistan literary relations from the past to the present day".
He noted that what brings Azerbaijan and Pakistan closer to each other is not only religious and national affinities, but also our past, the fact that we come from the same history. The closeness between peoples is equally manifested in their literary and cultural relations. In this regard, Azerbaijan-Pakistan literary and cultural relations have a long history. It is on this past that we build our future. Both people's views on the future have left a deep mark in their literature and culture. In Pakistan, Azerbaijani classics Nizami Ganjavi, Nasimi, Fuzuli, J. Mammadguluzade and others. As his work is studied, the work of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the philosopher and poet of Pakistan, is also studied and published in Azerbaijan. This promotional process has a long history.J. Mammadguluzadeh's stories have been translated into Urdu. When Azerbaijan gained its independence in 1918, the national flag preferred the triple formula "Turkification, modernization, Islamization", while Pakistan preferred the formula "Islamization, nationalization and modernization".
As you can see, these overlapping and overlapping formulas are successfully continued today. The representative of Vrije University Brussels, professor Philip Hamble, made a speech and expressed his views on both Eastern thinkers and spoke about the importance of developing relations with the West. "An Overview of Azerbaijan-Pakistan Political and Cultural Relations in the Middle Ages" by Eynulla Madatli, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs of the Institute of Philosophy, "Mohammed Fuzuli and the Turkic World" by Zakulla Bayramli, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Middle Eastern Languages ​​of the Oriental Studies Faculty of BSU The conference continued with the lectures of Eldost Ibrahimov, teacher of the department of literature and literature, on "Educational ideas in the work of Hazrat Sultan Baho".