Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The Science Foundation of SOCAR announces a grant competition for the purpose of financing scientific research and innovative projects

10-10-2023 [ 15:04 ] [ read:47 ]
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Guided by the state's special concern for the development of science in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the "Science Fund" of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan in oil and gas, petrochemical and other related fields at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (hereafter ANAS) or in cooperation with the ANAS scientific research and announces a competition for 2023 in order to stimulate the activities of scientists and temporarily created creative collectives working in educational institutions:

1. Submitted projects must belong to the following fields of science:

- Earth sciences;

- Technical sciences;

- Chemical sciences.

2. Preference is given to projects presented in the following priority areas of scientific research:

- Increasing oil yield of oil and gas fields;

- Determining the profitability limit of well exploitation in fields under development, depending on the operating conditions, depth, dilution percentage, production level and other geological, technological and economic factors;

- Features of underground gas reservoirs operation, improvement of technological processes for reduction of internal and inter-layer losses;

- Taking into account the characteristics of oil and gas deposits, the risks that may occur in the development process, the factors that create them and measures to reduce the impact;

- Measures aimed at solving the problems in the oil industry with the research and application of nanotechnologies; - Alternative energy and green energy;

- Development of the method of detection and study of non-structural traps;

- Problems of paraffin, tar, asphaltene and sand sedimentation in oil wells;

- Drilling, production, transportation, processing, etc. in the oil industry. application of innovative techniques and technologies in processes;

- Use of modern robotics in monitoring oil and gas field facilities on land and sea;

- Creation of a park of scientific devices and equipment for the purpose of identification of oil and gas production;

- Problems of application of information communication technologies in the oil and gas complex;

- Intelligent mechatronic systems in the oil and gas industry;

- Computer software for optimization of oil and gas production;

- Geological and archaeological aspects of shallow geophysics;

- Ecological problems of the oil-gas complex and the environment;

- Heydar Aliyev and the oil era - oil strategy;

- History and development stages of the oil-gas and petrochemical industry;

- The topic of oil in literature;

- Images of oilmen in art.

3. The competition is held in the nomination of fundamental and applied scientific research projects (competition type code: ET).

4. The employees of the scientific research institutes of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan covered by ANAS and ANAS's scientific units or the employees of SOCAR working on a joint project with them can participate in the competition. Projects can be submitted to the competition individually or collectively. The project submitted to the competition must be represented by the manager of that project.

5. The projects should be drawn up in accordance with the established form (download here - Form ET) and sent along with other documents to the Science and Education Department of the Presidium of ANAS (Address: AZ1001, Azerbaijan, Baku city, Istiglaliyet street, 30, room 503) should be submitted directly by the head and registered. Projects are accepted from October 16 to November 6, 2023, every day (except Saturdays and Sundays) from 10:00 to 17:00. For more information about the competition, you can contact the Department of Science and Education (tel.: 492-66-70; 497-69-46; e-mail:

  6. Special conditions for participation in the competition:

- Members of the Fund's Management Board and the Competition Commission cannot participate in the competition;

- a project manager or executive can participate in the competition for only two projects at the same time: it is possible to participate in the competition as a project manager for one project, and as an executive for the other project;

- the project leader and executors must be in labor relations with ANAS, scientific research institutes of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan covered by the scientific divisions of the Academy, or with SOCAR during the period of participation in the competition and the implementation of the project;

7. the total number of participants (project manager and executors) for one project should not exceed 10 people. The number of project participants can be increased only by the decision of the Board of Directors.

8. Projects are not accepted by the Competition Commission in the following cases:

- when the special conditions of participation in the competition are violated;

- when a project with a similar content is presented, financed (or received financial support) from other sources (from the state budget, external funds, etc. organizations or institutions);

- when projects are submitted after the end of the day of acceptance of documents for participation in the competition;

- when a project not related to the required science or research fields is submitted.

9. Violation of the special conditions of participation in the competition or the requirements for the project is the basis for the termination of project financing at any stage.

10. As a rule, all projects should be drawn up in the Azerbaijani language, and the form No. 2 of the documents should be drawn up in English and Russian, and should be submitted in 2 copies on A4 format paper and electronic media (CD, DVD, etc.) with the same content.

11. The following documents are attached to the application:

- content, scientific direction, annotation, etc. General about the project that determines