Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature held a scientific session devoted to the 85th anniversary of Professor Ajdar Ismayilov

08-06-2023 [ 15:18 ] [ read:129 ]
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On June 8, ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature held a scientific session dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the distinguished historian, philologist-turkologist, Doctor of Philology, Professor Ajdar Ismayilov.

The President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbayli, Chairman of the Natural Resources, Energy and Ecology Committee of the AR Milli Majlis Sadiq Gurbanov, writer-publicist Yunus Oguz, employees of the Institute of Literature, the Institute of Linguistics, the Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology and relevant persons attended the event.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli, who opened the session with an introductory speech, said that Ajdar Ismayilov, in addition to his scientific activity was one of the main sacrificers of the struggle for the protection of Azerbaijan's independence. He noted that although Ajdar Ismayilov, who is distinguished by his unique personality, looks crazy and emotional, he always had kindness and humanity in his intentions, and these are the qualities that define his image and face.

Stating that Professor Ajdar Ismayilov made important contributions to the science of Azerbaijani literary studies, the head of ANAS said that he became one of the well-known figures of Azerbaijani literature with the series of studies he conducted on Huseyn Javid. He pointed out that when Ajdar Ismayilov was conducting research on Huseyn Javid in the last century, the famous writer had just been acquitted, and Javid researchers were careful about their work: "Ajdar Ismayilov, because he was attached to Javid's art, carried out his research without hesitation and spoke his word among Javid scholars. He not only conducted research on Huseyn Javid, but also fought for Javid as a whole. When conducting comparative typological studies in the last century, either the West or the USSR was needed, and a "big brother" was needed. Ajdar Ismayilov would not pay attention to such approaches. He sought the origin of "Iblis" not in Western literature, but in the deep layers of Eastern culture. This was his literary face."

The president of ANAS said that Ajdar Ismayilov had a patriotism and Azerbaijani position in all his studies in literature, history, linguistics, Turkology and other fields. He noted that Ajdar Ismayilov published serious works related to fictitious history and personalities such as "Moisey Khorenatsi is an anonymous priest author", "Mesrop Mashtos is not an inventor of the alphabet, but a fraudulent anonymous priest", and conducted important researches about Albania, and these studies today influence Albanian literature, are valuable sources for those who study culture and public opinion.

Emphasizing that Ajdar Ismayilov was closely involved in the social and political life of our country, academician Isa Habibbeyli said that he was one of Heydar Aliyev's closest comrades-in-arms and one of the famous "91s", and that he fought tirelessly, resolutely and selflessly for Heydar Aliyevism.

He pointed out that Ajdar Ismayilov was elected a member of the council with the trust of the head of the country when the Veterans' Council of the New Azerbaijan Party was created, and this was a fair assessment of the activities of Ajdar Ismayilov by President Ilham Aliyev.

Academician Isa Habibbayli, who said that his son Javid Ismayil is actively working to promote his father's legacy, said that he continues his path with his research and said that Ajdar Ismayilov will always live in our hearts.

Sadiq Gurbanov, chairman of the Natural Resources, Energy and Ecology Committee of the AR Milli Majlis, said in his speech that he has known Ajdar Ismayilov since his youth and that he always supports the young people around him. Sadiq Gurbanov, who noted that Ajdar Ismayilov could not remain calm at a time when the state independence of Azerbaijan was under threat, and that he was one of the main organizers of the rally held in April 1992 in protest against the article in the constitution aimed at the power and personality of Heydar Aliyev under the pretext of "age limit", emphasized that Professor Ajdar Ismayilov's services to the country are unforgettable.

In the session, the general director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS, professor Nadir Mammadli, the department head of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, professor Tahira Mammad, writer-publicist Yunus Oguz and others spoke about the socio-political activity of the scientist, his literary, they talked about research in the fields of history, Albanian studies, language, philology.

In the end, Javid Ismayil, the son of professor Ajdar Ismayilov, economist, scientist and lawyer, spoke and expressed his gratitude to the head of the country for holding events on the territory of the republic in connection with his father's 85th anniversary. He also thanked the organizers and participants of today's event for remembering and cherishing the memory of Ajdar Ismayilov.