Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Institute of Literature held an event on "Manuscript of Salar Baba‘s "Jami At-Tavarikh" and its role in the history of the Turkic peoples"

07-06-2023 [ 14:27 ] [ read:121 ]
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ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi held an event on "Manuscript of the great Turkmen writer Salar Baba's work "Jami At-Tavarikh" and its role in the history of Turkic peoples. Scientists from Turkmenistan also take part in the event.

Executive Director of the Institute of Literature, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor Mehman Hasanli opened the event. He noted that this event is hold jointly with brother Turkmenistan. Saying that the literary relations with Turkmenistan are at a high level, the scientist mentioned the real works that were the result of mutual cooperation in recent years. Emphasizing the publications of Mahtimgulu Faraqi, the speaker spoke about the manuscript of Salar Baba's "Jami At-Tavarikh" and its importance in the history of the Turkic peoples. He emphasized that several events were held in connection with this work.

Then, the leading researcher of the Institute of Literature, PhD in Philology, associate professor Ismikhan Osmanli delivered a paper on "The role of Salar Baba's work in the history of the Turkic peoples".

At the event, Davut Orazsahedov, Director of the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts after Mahtimgulu of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, spoke about the positive results of mutual cooperation. Among Turkmen scientists, candidates of philological sciences Guljamal Gummanova, Rahmanberdi Godarov, scientific workers Meylis Japarov and Mejal Meredov also spoke about the importance of Salar Baba's work "Cami At-Tavarikh" in their speeches.