Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Institute of Literature held a meeting devoted to Suleyman Rahimov

16-03-2023 [ 11:48 ] [ read:79 ]
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ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi by organization Department of Azerbaijani literature of the 20th century (Soviet period) held a meeting with Agil Rahimov, the son of People's writer Suleyman Rahimov. Executive Director of the Institute of Literature, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor Mehman Hasanli, scientific secretary, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor Aygün Bagırli, masters of the institute and other scientists attended the meeting.

The event was opened by the head of the Department of 20th century (Soviet era) Azerbaijani literature, Doctor of Philology, Professor Shirindil Alyshanli. He said that, this meeting is one of the regular discussions of the department. People's writer Suleyman of one of the books prepared in the department
He noted that it is dedicated to Rahimov. "Süleyman Rahimov is the only person in Azerbaijani literature who created an epic. With "Shamo".
started and almost ended with that work. He has not left Shamo all his life" - he said about the life and activities of the scientist and writer
gave detailed information and commented on the investigations conducted on him.

PhD in Philology, Gurban Bayramov spoke on the memories, innovations brought by the People's Writer to our literature. He noted that "Süleyman Rahimov was a national man and dedicated himself to Azerbaijan as a whole. He created the only epic in the literature of the Soviet period. None of the 879 characters created in the novel "Shamo" are alike. This work has been published in 60 languages of the world, it has been published 12 times in Russian.

Doctors of Philological sciences, Professors Gazanfar Pashayev and Ismayil Mammadli spoke at the event and told interesting facts about Suleyman Rahimov. At the end, Agil Rahimov, the son of People's Writer Suleyman Rahimov expressed his gratitude for the organization of the event.

Public Relations Department.